The Nassau Station Robotic Telescope

The Warner and Swasey Department of Astronomy at Case Western Reserve University is currently upgrading the 0.9m telescope near Chardon, OH (east of Cleveland). The plan is to develop a fully robotic telescope that operates in a direct imaging mode as well as with a bench spectrograph. For the official department page on this project please click here.

My work

I am responsible for about 40,000 lines of code (and growing) in C++ and Perl for the Nassau Station Robotic Telescope.

My primary responsibility these days is to the completion of my PhD thesis, but this is the work I do to pay the bills.

I am involved with this project in helping with the hardware upgrades as well as writing the software for some of the telescope support sub-systems. All the code is being written in Microsoft C++ using the Microsoft Developer 5.0 (not my choice). The rumor is true that this process involves about 50% general swearing, 50% cursing Bill Gates, and 50% cheering in jubilation when I stumble on a kludge that performs the task that the MFC routines were suppose to do without major revision. Here's the software I've completed to date:

Yet to do:

If you are working on a similar project and wish to swap routines, information, or stories about how Microsoft (the evil empire) screwed you over with their last MFC upgrade; send me e-mail.

Last Updated November 17, 2002
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