STARTREK: THE NEW COLLEGE GENERATION EPISODE 3: AN EYE FOR AN EYE By Spaceman SPiff Creative Credit to Da Teach Technical Advisory: Matt Leonard ================================================================= CAST (In order of appearance) Picard-------------------Jeffery Miller Dr. Beverly Crusher--------------Anita! Wesley Crusher---------------Timmy Dude Worf--------------------------THE ROCK! Data------------------------------SPiff Riker--------------------------Peeeeter Geordi--------------Col. Hafez Al Baruk Computer------------------Richard Nuzzy Admiral Cherno---------------Mel Cherno Spak (Ferangi)------------------Mark R. Chief O'Brien--------------Matt Leonard Keiko-----------Suzzanne (Matt's Woman) Ensign of The Week----------------Chuck Lore--------------------------Mike Shor Wing Mahn (Klingon)---------------Casey ================================================================= [Picard is sitting in his read room behind his desk. He is building a house of cards and is about to gently place the last card on the very top. The door chirps and Picard is startled but manages not to topple his construction.] Picard: (with commanding tone) Enter! (pleading) Carefully. [Enter Dr. Beverly Crusher, chief medical officer USS Enterprise. She casually walks over to takes a seat in front of Picard's desk, rests her elbow on the desk and her chin in her hand. Picard braces for total collapse of his house of cards as she touches the desk, but the house stands] Dr. Crusher: (cooing) Hello Jean Luc. Picard: (still worrying about the safety of his house of cards) Uh, hi Beverly. What brings you here? Dr. Crusher: (cooing sweet as sugar) Why Jean Luc, do I need a reason to come and visit my FAVORITE captain? Picard: (loosening his collar) Well... Ummm..... Errrrrr..... (Gets up and walks to the food synthesizer very stiffly and places an order) Tea. Earl Grey. Hot. (The cup of team materializes and Picard begins to take it, but his hand shakes so violently that he spills it all on the front of his pants. Picard quickly sits down behind his desk and squirms.) Dr. Crusher: (smiles, very pleased with the reaction she has caused in Picard) Well, I did have a reason to come. (takes her chin off her hand and with the other hand thrusts a piece of paper at Picard. Picard takes it and begins examining it) This printout has been coming out of the laser printer in sick bay for the last two hours. [Shot of the paper in Picard's hands. Paper reads in big letters, "Join the Jolly Federation Mimes". In small letters in the bottom corner is printed, "Love, The Borg."] Dr. Crusher: What do you think it means? Picard: It means...... [Dramatic zoom in close up shot of Picard's face] Picard: The Borg are back! Dr. Crusher: (Off camera in the back ground) Well, Duh!! [Fade to black. Opening theme and Credits.] [New scene: In the aft observation lounge. Picard is sitting at the table head. Data, Worf, Riker, Geordi, and Dr. Crusher seated around the table. Riker is asleep (as usual) and Data has just completed the briefing.] Worf: (obviously angry) Sir! I must protest! I am NOT a Jolly Federation Mime! Data: (Ignoring Worf) Sir, if the Borg can access our systems remotely, we are at a great risk. Next time the "prank" might be more serious. Geordi: (Whining, like all engineers who have goofed up something) I still don't know how they did it. I ran a level 7 billion diagnostic and everything check out fine. These guys where good. They got in, wreaked havoc, and got out before we could trace them. Plain and simple, they caught us with our pants down. Dr. Crusher: (cooing) Oooh Jean Luc, I love that thought. Picard: (Ignoring Dr. Crusher's comment and visibly turning red) Yes, well Mr. LaForge work with Mr. Data to see that it doesn't happen again. Worf: Sir, as security chief I would recommend that we go to a higher state of alert. We have been attacked in a dishonorable way by an enemy we know to be a great threat. We should be prepared for battle. Picard: Take it easy Worf, give peace a chance..... [Picard gets weird stares from the crew] Picard: You know. (stands and starts singing) "All we are sayyyying. Is give peace a chance...." (more weird stares from the crew) Well, maybe not... (straightens his shirt and sits) Let's just forgot I said that. Go ahead Worf, make us ready to deliver death and destruction. Worf: Gladly sir! [the computer chirps] Wesley's Voice: (his voice cracking) Captain Picard, you have a message coming in priority one from Starfleet for your eyes only. Picard: I'll take it in my ready room. Data: (concerned) Sir? Since all of us are here, who is in command of the ship? Worf: Well, Wesley, obviously. (comprehends what he has just said. Everyone is the room gives each other wide eyed looks of horror.) Data: Sir, request..... Picard: (reading Data's mind) Granted! [Everyone gets up and crowds out the door to get to the bridge before Wesley does something wrong. Riker remains asleep in his chair, snoring.] [New Scene: Picard's ready room. Picard enters and tip-toes around his desk, which still has the house of cards on it. He sits down and taps his veiwscreen control. The screen lights up with the UPF seal and then Admiral Cherno appears sitting behind a desk. He is still getting his makeup done by the stage crew and is quite startled to see that he is on. He shoos the makeup lady and tries to achieve an air of composure.] Admiral Cherno: (sternly) Hello Picard. Star Fleet has received your preliminary report and command has decided to take action! (he hits his desk and Picard's desk shakes, bringing the house of cards perilously close to collapse. Picard cringes but the cards stand.) Incidents like the one you experienced have been occurring at several border outposts, including Mumford, Gauthmy, and Brandon. Last week, the Borg broke into the Starfleet subspace net and distributed recruiting information. Picard: (Picard is paying more attention to his house of cards than the admiral, but this catches his attention.) Recruiting information? Admiral Cherno: That's right. And the most disturbing part of it is that they have had a large response. Many ranking officers in Starfleet have applied for admission into the Borg. We have treated this incursion as a hostile act. We want the Enterprise to find and engage the Borg! (He hits his desk again and again Picard's desk shakes, bringing the card house even closer to collapse than before. Picard watches helplessly) We want to show them that we mean bossiness! (Again the admiral hist his desk. The top card falls of the house of cards on Picard's desk. Picard lunges and catches it.) I mean bussiness! (Hits the desk again.) Keep in mind that the Borg have managed to infiltrate the command structure and everyone should be suspect. Good luck and God speed! (communications cut and UFP seal appears on the screen). Picard: But Admiral..... (he's too late) Oh whatever. Picard to bridge. Mr. Data, make a change in course to the McCormick Sector. Data's Voice: Aye sir. At present speed, we will reach the McCormick sector in 9 hours 47 minutes. Picard: Increase to warp eight and go to yellow alert. Data's Voice: Aye sir. Picard: (looks at his house of cards) And Data, take it easy on the turns, no sudden movements. Data's Voice: (puzzled but unquestioning) Aye sir. Anything else sir? Picard: No, that will be all Mr. Data. [Picard tenderly places the card in his hand back on the top of his house of cards. He breaths a sign of relief, gets up, and leaves the room] [New Scene: Wide angle shot of Ten Forward, the social hub of the Enterprise. There is a sparse gathering of people who are divided into small groups conversing with each other. Data and Geordi walk in and up to the bar. Close shot of bar. Up from behind the counter pops a Ferangi. We quickly recognize him as the Ferangi captain that saved the crew in the first episode of ST:TNCG. Data and Geordi are a little shocked.] Spak (the Ferangi): Well, what'll it be? Every beverage two bits. Except you can't have my Crystal Pepsi. You want a bottle of Mountain Dew? Take a bottle. I know you want a bottle. Geordi: (adjusting his visor, still surprised) Aren't you? Spak: Yeah I am! Spak at your service, for a price. Data: (cocking his head) Fascinating? Where is Guian? Spak: Oh, she went and took a year or two to go off and do some mysterious hocus pocus thing somewhere for some mysterious reason she can't talk about. (itching for a sale) What would you like to drink? Geordi: I'll have a Caffeine Free Pepsi. Spak: (eyeing Data like he is upraising him) An what will you have my fair android? Data: No thank you. I do not require sustenance. Spak: (Crawls up on the counter and looks into Data's ear. Data inches away. Spak continues) Such a pity. Such a waste. A beautiful sentient machine that has no needs to be exploited. (Spak ducks under the bar and reemerges with Geordi's drink and gives it to him, but doesn't let go. He holds out his hand a Geordi grudgingly gives him payment.) It's been a pleasure doing bussiness with you. [Geordi and Data walk away from the bar and spy Chief O'Brien sitting at a table. They walk over and take a seat with him.] Data: (sitting down) Chief, I thought that you transferred to Deep Shit Nine? O'Brien: (His gaze darting around the room, his shoulders hunched over his drink.) Well, I was, but now I am back. Geordi: So are you back in transporter room three? O'Brien: Yeah. For the time be'n I'm do'n the same old thing. (Downs another gulp of his poison.) Data: If I may enquire, sir, what brought you back to the Enterprise. O'Brien: (Gives Data a steely cold stare and looks him right in the eyes) What's it to ya? Data: If it is a sore subject, I will talk about something else. (Geordi sits silently giving Data the "shut up Data" look) O'Brien: (stands and explodes) Look it wasn't my choice. Keiko didn't like being there at all. Her cousin's uncle's brother's nephew's wife's daughter in law is some big honcho in star fleet and she had me demoted and sent back here! [Wide angle shot. Everyone in Ten Forward is staring at O'Brien] O'brien: (stammering, embarrassed) Well.... (nervously chuckles) There's no hard feel'ns of 'course. [Doors of Ten Forward open and Keiko enters] Keiko: You Hoo! Miles! O'Brien: Honey buns! [They run together and embrace in a passionate kiss.] Data: (Cocks his head and turns to face Geordi) It appears that the have... (raises his eyebrows) "made up." Geordi: (contemplates his half empty drink) This is too weird, I'm leaving. (gets up to leave, pushing past O'Brien and Keiko) Data: (Nods and follows Geordi out of Ten Forward) Wesley: (sitting in the corner by himself, dreaming and looking at Keiko) Wow! What a woman. [New Scene: Main bridge. Worf at tactical. Ensign of the Week at navigation. Picard in the command chair. Data walks off the turbo lift and takes his place at ops.] Worf: Sir. A shuttle of unknown design has entered sensor range and is closing. (pause) It has changed course to intercept us. Picard: (stands and straightens his shirt) On screen. (An image of a weird shuttle, possibly a modified ferangi shuttle, is displayed) Magnify! Data: Sir, I believe that you need a change in your glasses prescription. I can see that shuttle perfectly. Picard: (looks at data) Who's the captain? I'm the captain and what I say goes! Now magnify! Data: (shrugs) Aye sir. (screen blinks but doesn't change) Picard: (squints) Ah! That's better. (Data smiles) Mr. Worf hail them. Worf: (almost immediately) No response. Picard: (turns around and looks at Worf) Don't you ever wait for a response? What's with you people today? (turns back around to face the view screen) Try again Mr. Worf. I never answer the phone on the first ring. Worf: (really annoyed but holding back his wrath) Aye sir. One ringy dingy.....Two ringy dingys........Three ringy dingys......Four Data: Sir, the vessel is on a direct collision course. Impact in two minutes. Picard: Shields up. Red alert. (klaxon sounds and red lights flash) Data: The vessel has not slowed its approach. Impact on shields in ten seconds. [Exterior shot of the Enterprise. The alien shuttle approaches at a great speed then hits the shields. The shields flash and the shuttle slows dramatically, but continues on through like a bullet through Jello(tm).] Data: Sir. The alien craft has enough momentum to penetrate the shields. (on the view screen, the craft stops moving slow and shoots forward with a great burst of speed.) Picard: Mr. Worf, destroy the alien ship! Worf: (grins ear to ear) With pleasure sir! [A red phaser streaks across the main viewer and hits the alien ship, causing a huge spectacular explosion.] Ensign: (excited) Whoa! Cool!; Woah! Cool! Worf: Sir! Intruder alert on deck 10! Sending security teams. Request permission to go kick ass myself sir. Picard: Well, okay Worf, just this once. But I don't want to hear you complain if you get beat up. [Worf growls and exits on the turbo lift.] Data: Sir, the electromagnetic shock from the alien craft explosion has damaged the primary computer core. Ship functions are being handled by the secondary core. Picard: I'll get Geordi right on it.... Data: (concerned) Sir. Remember the last two episodes. Picard: (remembers explosions caused by Geordi in the previous episodes) Well, umm. Mr Data, why don't you do the repairs this time. Data: Aye sir. (stands and exits by aft turbo lift) [New Scene: Data exits the turbo lift on an empty corridor. The red alert lights are still flashing. Data walks down the corridor to a door marked: "Systems Monitor Room; Primary Unit; Access Restricted." There is a special access keypad by the door. Data starts to punch in the access code and is interrupted by his communicator chirping] Worf's Voice: Worf to Commander Data. We have detected the intruder in your section. Proceed with caution. Data: (continues entering the access code) Thank you Mr. Worf. [Data finishes and the door slides open. The view switches to from inside the systems monitor room. On one wall are the FTL nanoprocessor units. In the middle of the room is a table with a console and a view screen. In the corner is a standard science station. A door way leads to the upper core access. Data walks over to the table and with his back to the upper core access, begins working. Lore (Data's evil twin brother who keeps coming back like a rash) steps into the doorway from the upper core access.] Lore: (chuckles and smiles, folding his arms and taking a casual stance) Well, my brother (Data stands and spins around) we meet again. Data: (surprised) Lore! Lore: (still smiling evilly, he starts to pace the room and examine the equipment casually) Ah, I'm so touched that you remember my name. Data: Lore. I am placing you under arrest for willful destruction of four colonies, attempted destruction of the Enterprise, aiding and abetting the crystalline entity, the murder of our father, Dr Nuygen Sum, and evasion of Starfleet authorities. Lore: (Stops casually moving around the room and momentarily takes a threatening stance. He twitches and laughs) But dear brother, that's all in the past. Can't we just hug and be friends. You ARE my brother. Data: (tilts his head in a condescending manner and says with regret) I'm afraid it's too late for that Lore. Lore: (turns his back on Data and leans with his elbows on the science station. He begins to sob.) I only wanted to be as important as you, my brother. Data: (No emotion, yet we still sense some pity from him. He approaches Lore.) I am sincerely sorry. [Lore quickly stands and spins around, hitting Data in his "secret off button." Lore smiles fiendishly as Data falls to the floor limp.] Lore: (with triumph) You always were the gullible one, my chump of a brother. [New Scene: Worf exits the turbo lift with a security team. The red alert lights are still flashing. They walk down the corridor to the door marked: "Systems Monitor Room; Primary Unit; Access Restricted." Before Worf can begin to punch the access code, the door opens and Data(?) appears.] Worf: Sir! We have narrowed the intruders location to this area. Data(?): The situation is under control Mr. Worf. The intruder was my brother Lore. (gestures to Lore(?) crumpled up on the floor.) I have deactivated him, but to be safe, we should place him in the brig. Worf: (gestures to his security team to take away Lore(?) to the brig) Agreed. Do you need any assistance with the repairs? I could contact Commander LaForge. Data(?): No, not at all Mr Worf. While Commander LaForge is very competent in such matters, I am almost finished with the task at hand. (closes the door in Worf's face.) [Worf shrugs and leaves] [New Scene: After conference room. Everyone is assembled in the usual way, with Picard at the head of the table, only Data and Riker are absent.] Picard: (Lecturing Mr. Worf, a bit irritated) Mr. Worf, I am sure that mister Data is just fine! Worf: (whining) But sir! He said Commander LaForge was... was.... Geordi: (near the boiling point) COMPETENT! RUB IT IN MORE WHY DON'T YA! Picard: (also irritated now) That's quite enough! We all know that engineers are incompetent. Data just made a slight error, it's happened before. (blank stares around the table) Well... maybe not, but still I have confidence that everything is fine. Dr. Crusher: Jean Luc, my woman's intuition tells me..... [everyone else laughs hysterically] Worf: (laughs, to Picard) Engineers may be incompetent, but what are YOU going to do with your liberal arts degree from the College in the real world? (Picard turns red) [Data(?) enters and takes his seat] Data(?): (twitches) Sir? Where is commander Riker? Picard: (cooling off) He's on the bridge we don't want to tempt fate by leaving Wesley in charge again. Geordi: (getting serious) Captain, Data and I have been working on a unique problem in the primary and secondary computer cores. It appears a very advanced virus has been introduced into the system. The primary core is down and the secondary core is only at 60%. We are keeping the engineering core isolated in case an emergency arises and we need a core at 100% Picard: Can't we just reboot the system, wipe memory and reload the LCARS software? Is this connected to Lore's appearance? Data(?): We believe that the virus has been hard wired into one of the 2 billion isolinear chips on board the Enterprise, so merely powering down the cores would be ineffective. We have attempted to isolate which section the corrupted chip is placed in, but the virus projects shadows of itself and we have not been able to successfully track it down. Geordi: All this trouble started many hours after our encounter with Lore. I don't believe he is responsible. Picard: (puzzled) Meaning? Dr. Crusher: (reaches over and hits Picard in the back of the head.) You dummy! Any numb skull knows what that means. Data(?): Sir I believe that we have saboteurs on board. Worf: (shocked) Sir, why did you allow that WOMAN to hit you. Dr. Crusher: (stands up and gets in Worf's face) Wana do something about it.... WOLF! Worf: (growls) Picard: (exasperated) Enough! We're expecting an encounter with the Borg any time, Lore is in my brig, and a saboteur is running loose around MY ship. Where's my halcyon! I could really use a sedative, not a school yard brawl! [Worf ignores Picard and pulls Crushers hair. Crusher scratches Worf across the face. Worf stands and pushes Crusher to the floor. Picard looks on horrified as Geordi jumps into the brawl hitting Worf between the shoulder blades with his elbow. Worf shakes the hit off and sweeps Geordi's feet out from under him. Geordi Lands with a thud on his tail bone and Picard cringes as Dr. Crusher is about to hit Worf over the head with a statue.] Picard: (pleading) No! Not my porcelain Ringo! [The red alert klaxon sounds. The computer chirps and all action stops.] Riker's Voice: Sir! Sir! The Borg are in sensor range! What do I do sir! I'm allergic to command and responsibility! Picard: (shaking his head) I'll be right there number one! Worf: Why do you call him "number one?" He's a wuss! Dr. Crusher: Look who's talking! Picard: (shrugs) [Everyone files out of the room onto the bridge.] [Change scene to bridge. Worf goes to tactical. Data(?) goes to Ops. Ensign of the Week is a navigation. Geordi takes a science station in the rear. Riker vacates the command chair and takes the chair to the left of it. Picard sits in the command chair and Dr Crusher sits in Picard's lap. Two Borg ships are approaching on the view screen] Picard: (exasperated) Beverly! Really! Not now! Dr Crusher: (pouts, gets up and sits curls up in Riker's lap with her head on his chest) Riker: (grins and shrugs) Worf: Sir! The Borg ships are on an intercept course with us. Request permission to fire! Picard: No, you may not. (to Ensign) Ensign, brings us to a full stop. Ensign: Aye sir.; Aye sir. Picard: (gives the Ensign a curious look, but shrugs it off) Dr. Crusher: (gets up and walks the the turbo lift) I'm bored. I'm leaving. Worf: (mumbling) Typical woman. [Exterior shot of the Enterprise. The first Borg cube approaches and takes a position off the Enterprise's bow. It dwarfs the Enterprise. The music in the background is "Night on Bare Mountain." The second cube enters the field and curves around in back of the Enterprise. The first Borg ship begins to slowly turn and reveals the face of John Casteen molded on one side of the cube.] [Back on the Enterprise bridge, the entire bridge cringes in fear. The music reaches a honorific climax.] Picard: (scared stiff) Worf, open a channel. Worf: (shaking uncontrollably) Sir! It's so horrible! I am not a true warrior. I fear Mr. Casteen! Picard: (commanding tone) Get a hold of yourself Worf, we're all scared. Worf: Sir! The Borg are hailing us. Picard: On screen! Geordi: Sir! The warp core has reached critically unstable levels and the emergency shut down mechanism has been sabotaged! Borg: Resistance is futile. Prepare to be assimilated or destroyed by the Monroe Hill collective. [Close up shot of Picard] Picard: (calmly) Mr. Worf, fire at will. Worf: (grinning ear to ear) With pleasure sir! [scene: Borg cube stationary above a planet. The Enterprise sweeps down on it, firing phasers and photon torpedoes. Big explosions, but no visible effect on the Borg.] [Back on bridge] Picard: (exasperated) Hey! That's not the right scene! Data(?): Sorry sir. We spent all our special effects budget on the next scene, so we had to use stock footage from a previous episode that didn't quite fit this scene. Worf: Sir. I think we are in deep shit! [Exterior shot of Enterprise and Casteen Cube. The second cube enters the field behind the Enterprise and turns to reveal the face of Douglas Wilder molded in it's side. Both cubes sprout arms and begin "playing catch" with the Enterprise. The Enterprise tumbles end over end as it gets tossed between the cubes.] [Shot of bridge. Everyone is being thrown around like rag dolls.] Picard: (rolls across the floor trying to get to his ready room) My house of cards! (He's thrown back into Riker) Riker: (looking green around the gills) I think I'm going to puke! [Exterior shot. Klingon theme music. Ten Klingon bird of prey decloak and descend on the Casteen and Wilder cubes. The cubes momentarily forget the Enterprise and start swatting at the Klingons with the hands the sprouted to "play catch."] [Enterprise bridge. Everyone starts to get up and recover. Data (the real Data) steps out of the turbo lift.] Data(who is really Lore): Shit! I'm found out! (a Borg transporter beams him out. As he dematerializes he flicks off Data.) Data: (Ignores Lore and is glad he has disposed of himself. Data goes over to tactical and without speaking starts hitting buttons at super human speeds. He finishes and dramatically hits one last button with his index finger) [Exterior shot. The Enterprise stops tumbling and fires a single photon torpedo at each of the Borg's cubes which are still preoccupied with the Klingons. The shots hit right on target. The reactions of the cubes to the Klingon assault slow noticeably and the Klingons start to do real damage. The Wilder cube blows up in a magnificent explosion, and the Casteen cube turns and accelerates away at high warp. Three Klingon ships break off to pursue the Borg and the rest take up a defensive stance around the Enterprise.] [Back on the Enterprise bridge, the crew picks themselves up and returns to their stations a bit shaken. Data walks down and takes his place at Ops.] Ensign: SO? Data how did you do it?; SO? Data how did you do it? (turbo lift opens and Dr. Crusher steps onto the bridge.) Picard: (to the Ensign) Ensign, why do you always repeat yourself like that? Ensign: Just making sure my message get's through. Just making sure my message get's through. Picard: (mumbles) Why me? Why can't the writers give me a real Ensign. Why do they mock me so? (yelling) I'm Jean Luc Picard, God dammit! I deserve some respect! Riker: (snickers) Worf: Sir, the Klingon commander Wing Mahn is hailing us. Picard: (to Worf) On screen. (to screen) This is Captain Picard of the Federation starship Enterprise. We thank you for the assistance. Wing Mahn: (appearing on screen.) Ah Captain Picard! It was my pleasure saving you from certain destruction. [An awkward silence] Picard: Well, err, um.... K'ah P'lah Wing Mahn! Wing Mahn: K'ah P'lah Picard! May all your days be violent ones! (screen blanks) Picard: (turns to Data) Data? What in the heck IS going on? Data: To answer the Ensign's question, Dr. Crusher reactivated me in the brig on a hunch that Lore had switched places with me. Dr. Crusher: (triumphantly) Chalk one up for woman's intuition. Worf: (defiantly) Ha! Woman's intuition! I knew it all along. Data: After being rescued by Dr. Crusher, I helped her genetically engineer a Tribble to attack the Borg. Picard: (puzzled) A Tribble? Data: Yes sir. A small fuzzy wuzzy cute ball of fur that multiplies at a rate 10^6 times that of earth rabbits. We knew that Tribbles have an animosity towards arrogant species. As a matter a fact, we use Tribbles in all our Romulan and Klingon spy detectors. We knew the Borg were more pompous and arrogant than any other species we had encountered and combined with their high rate of reproduction we figured that the Tribbles would be most effective at disabling a Borg ship. Worf: Klingons do NOT think Tribbles are cute. Data: (continuing) We placed the Tribbles in two photon torpedo casings and fired them at the Borg ships. How I eraticated Lore's virus from the computer is more complicated. Let me explain.... Riker: (begins to snore) Picard: (motions to Worf and Worf walks down to the Captain. Picard says aside to Worf) Mr. Worf, please shut up Commander Data. Worf: (smiling) Aye sir. [Worf picks up commander Data and slings him over his shoulder. Data keeps jabbering away as Worf caries him off the bridge.] [New Scene: Photon Torpedo bay. Data is still explaining how he "single handedly defeated" the Borg. Worf opens a photon torpedo casing on the launching rack.] Worf: Sir? Would you mind laying down in this photon torpedo casing? Data: (stops jabbering for a second) Why of course Mr. Worf. (Data picks up where he left off in his explanation as he lies down in the tube and Worf seals it.) Worf: (hits his comm badge) Ready sir. [On the bridge] Picard: Thank you Mr. Worf. (to Riker at tactical) Fire! [Exterior shot of photon torpedo being fired from the Enterprise.] Picard: (to Riker) Track the torpedo. We'll pick Data up in two or three days when he is done explaining to himself. (To Ensign at navigation) Plot a course for the nearest star base, 153. Ensign: Sir the nearest starbase is 168.; Sir the nearest starbase is 168. Picard: (rolls his eyes) Whatever! Engage! [Exterior shot of Enterprise zooming off at high warp.] [Credits and Music roll] ================================================================= Preview! Announcer's Voice: Spring fever hits the Enterprise! [Shot of Keiko and O'Brien holding hands] [Shot of Picard skipping down the hall.] [Shot of Riker getting slapped by a woman.] [Shot of Wesley ogling women in Ten Forward.] [Shot of Worf conversing with Data.] Worf: This whole thing just makes me sick. Announcer's Voice: But is it natural, or is it Q-pid? [Shot of Q and Data sitting at a table in Ten Forward.] Data: Explain to me this human emotion... lust. Announcer's Voice: Next time on Star Trek: The New College Generation!