SSSS TTTTTTT AAAA RRRRR TTTTTTT RRRRR EEEEEE K KK S T A A R R T R R E K KK SSSS T AAAAA RRRRRR T RRRRRR EEEE KKKK S T A A R R T R R E K K SSSS T A A R R T R R EEEEEE K K THE N N EEEEE W W CCC OOO L L EEEEE GGGG EEEEE N N N E W W C C O O L L E G G E N N N EEE W W W C O O L L EE G EEE N N N E W W W C C O O L L E G GGG E N N EEEEE W WW CCCC OOOO LLLLL LLLLL EEEEE GGGG EEEEE GGGG EEEEE N N EEEEE RRRR AAAA TTTTTTT IIIII OOOO N N G G E N N N E R R A A T I O O N N N G EEE N N N EEE RRRRR AAAAA T I O O N N N G GGG E N N N E R R A A T I O O N N N GGGG EEEEE N N EEEEE R R A A T IIIII OOOO N N STARTREK: THE NEW COLLEGE GENERATION SEASON 3 EPISODE 1: Sensitivity Awareness Training Written by Spaceman Spiff With Creative Credit to Da Teach Dedicated in the Memory of Dr. Clayton A. Smith A rare man who possessed both professional and personal respect in the astrometric community. A man who was a mentor to all he knew. I wish I could have told him that. ================================================================= Credits Captain Jean Luc Picard...............Jeffery Computer........................Richard Nuzzy Wesley Crusher.....................Timmy Dude Major Kira Neryes.....................Candace Klingon Ambassador.....................CeeJee Lt Commander Data.......................SPiff Lt Cmdr Geordi LaForge.....Col Hafez Al Baruk Commander Riker.......................Peeeter Lt Carroll..............................Jason Doctor Beverly Crusher.................Anita! Ensign Gabriel...................M.C. Gabriel Quark...................................Jaime Spak..................................Mark R. Lt Worf.................................ROCK! Kerplunk..............................Jeff Y. Commander Sisco......................Da Teach Computer.................................ISIS Dr Soong................................Tamir Barkeep.........................Rock's Sister Head Ditron.................SPiff's Sister #1 Ditron #2...................SPiff's Sister #2 Ditron #3...................SPiff's Sister #3 Ditron #4....................Jeffery's Sister Chief Miles O'Brien...................Matt L. Wing Mahn......................Casey Cosgrove ================================================================= [New Scene: In Picard's quarters. Picard is sitting in bed reading a book. He shifts and we see the title of the book is How to Get the Babes by James T. Kirk. The comm channel chirps.] Computer: Yellow Alert! Yellow Alert! And there will also be a Rolm information meeting in Runk at...... Picard: (drops his book and sits bolt upright) Picard to bridge. (his voice cracks) What's this! We can't have a yellow alert in space dock. Wesley's Voice: (shaky) You better get up here sir. Someone is stealing a runabout. Picard: Sheeze! This happens every time we visit DS9! Be right there! (leaves in a hurry) [On the runabout. Kira in the pilot's chair. Data in the secondary control chair. The Klingon Ambassador behind them.] Kira: (looks at the instrument panel) Sisco has asked the Enterprise to intercept us! Data: (confident) Not to worry. I made some prior arrangements. [Switch to engineering on the Enterprise. Geordi walks in sans visor. He doesn't see where he's going and he flips over the hand rail into the warp core. Everyone in Engineering turns when they hear Geordi scream and rushes to the railing and to look down.] [Back to the runabout interior.] Data: I took Geordi's visor. [Switch to the bridge. Picard steps out of the turbo lift and is horrified to notice he has a full head of hair.] Picard: (screams and grabs his head. Trying to pull out his hair) My skull cap! I can't command with a full head of hair! I don't look authoritative. I'm like Sampson without my Mr. Clean hair cut! [Back to the runabout.] Data: I put Rogain(tm) in Picard's shampoo. [Switch to bridge] Riker: (huddled in a corner) You guys never told me I looked like such an ass barking orders on the bridge. I'm SO embarrassed. My ability to command is shot. I just can't do it! [Back to runabout] Data: I took Riker's overblown ego. [Switch to bridge. ] Wesley: Sir. I think, (voice cracks) ooh! I feel funny. Like when we climb the rope in gym class. [Back to the runabout] Data: And just to be sure, I gave Wesley a hormone shot so he would experience puberty. [Exterior shot. The Enterprise lists badly to one side. The runabout speeds by and enters the wormhole.] [Back inside the runabout.] Kira: We made it! Now where are we going. Data: (opens his mouth but interrupted) Ambassador: Shhh! You hear that! [Everyone gets quiet. The Ambassador stands and walks to the door going to the aft of the runabout. He looks for something to use as a weapon and picks up the box Data carried onto the runabout. Lt. Carroll appears humming innocently. The ambassador blind sides him with the box and sends Carroll sprawling and covered in ARA brown gravy. Data and Kira turn and stand.] Carroll: Ick! What is this stuff! Data: It is Quark's key to the gamma quadrant. (cocks his head) But it appears ruined now. (raises and eyebrow) What are YOU doing here? Carroll: I WAS looking for some peace and quiet to get a nap. Wesley had the computer on the Enterprise programmed for an "experiment" and it was playing Klingon operettas 24 hours a day. Kira: And the party just keeps growing...... Ambassador: (samples the gravy with his finger. Shakes his head) Such a waste. This is primo stuff! Carroll: (stuck by insight) Hey! You guys aren't stealing a runabout? Can I come too! I want to be in this episode. (starts begging on his knees) Pleeze! Pleeze! Kira: (disgusted) Oh, I guess it would be alright if you tagged along. What are we going to do? Throw you out the airlock. (smiles evilly) Carroll: (cringes) Ambassador: Where are we going by the way? Kira: (turns around) Yeah Data. WHERE are we going?!? [Data lays unconscious on the floor. He must have collapsed when no one was looking. The camera zooms in on his face.] [Fade out] [Opening theme and credits] [New Scene: Data's Dream part 2. Data is sitting at a larger table in Runk Forward. He sits up and looks around at the people around him. Dr. Crusher and Ensign Gabriel are seated at the table with him engrossed in conversation.] Gabriel: (to Crusher) That sounds good. But I have to work that night. Could we do it the next day? Crusher: (to Gabriel) I can't do it then. We're always changing things for your work schedule. Gabriel: (to Data) Well, you've been quiet when can you get together? [Data is shocked back to reality. Something else has grasped his attention. He looks and the Ensign and cocks his head.] Data: (standing) Excuse me ladies. [Data approaches the bar. Spak and Quark are there.] Spak: Data! I know that you want to try one of my new triple fudge bars. They are only one credit! Data: (confused) There is no money in the 24th century. Quark: But what's that in your pocket? [Data reaches in his pocket and pulls out some coins. He is very puzzled.] Data: (examining the coins. One coins is two-headed. to himself) And I AM hungry. (crinkles his forehead) Spak: You have just enough change right there. (he grabs the coins from Data and gives him a coupon) Go redeem your coupon over there. (Points to a corner of Runk Forward.) Quark: Thank you for your business! [Data walks toward the direction Spak pointed. He strains to look across the crowded room to see where he is going. Finally, through the crowd there appears a table with a young woman sitting at it. She is wearing a vest with a clover flower wrapped around the top button.] Woman: Coupon please. [Data gives the coupon to here. And waits for his fudge bar.] Data: (cocks his head) May I have my fudge bar? Woman: (gesturing for Data to sit) Why don't we sit and talk. [Data sits.] Data: (growing impatient) I just want my fudge bar please. Woman: No need to get upset. (just sits there and smiles) Data: (is getting visibly angry!) Give it to me! Woman: (serenely) In awhile. (smiles) [Data stands and storms out of Runk Forward. He IS angry!] [A flash of white and Data is in sickbay laying on an examining table. Doctor Crusher, Picard, and Riker are standing around him. The woman from Runk Forward sits at a distance watching.] Crusher: (to Riker and Picard) He will suit our purpose. We will be able to use him. Picard: (concerned) There will be no damage to his circuits? Riker: (to Crusher) We must be certain. Crusher: (nods) He is the one we have been waiting for. Picard: We will proceed with our plans later then. [Another flash. We are back on the runabout. Kira is piloting while the Ambassador and Carroll examine Data.] Ambassador: (shakes Data) Wake up! Kira: We're clearing the worm hole! Welcome to the gamma quadrant gentlemen! Carroll: (he gets down on his knees, straddles Data, and raises his hand to slap him) I'll wake him up. [Data's arm comes up and he catches Carroll in mid swing.] Carroll: (chuckles nervously) Look Data is awake! (to Data) This isn't what it looks like. [Data gets up and goes to the controls. Everyone is looking at him wondering if he is alright.] Kira: (to Data) Data? Are you fine? Data: (pauses what he is doing and cocks his head) I am operating within established parameters. Carroll: He's alright! Data: Major, set course for the Rirolgi system. [An awkward pause. Kira doesn't seem convinced that Data is within "established parameters" but she begins to set the course. Carroll breaks the silence.] Carroll: (to the Ambassador) Um. So.... Ambassador, do you have a first name? Ambassador: (shifts in his chair) My given name is... Harry. Carroll: (raising an eyebrow) That's quite an interesting name for a Klingon! Ambassador: What?!? You've never heard of a Klingon named Harry! [Carroll shakes his head.] Ambassador: It's quite common. Carroll: Really? Kira: (voicing here building concerns) Are you sure you're alright Data. You were out for over five minutes..... You seem a bit disturbed. Data: That is silly Major. I am incapable of being disturbed. Kira: Did you have another dream? Data: I would prefer not to discuss it Major. [Exterior shot of the shuttle craft on course for a nearby yellowish star.] [New Scene: In DS9 ops. Sisco watches the runabout disappear through the wormhole.] Sisco: Dammit! Another runabout lost! How do I tell Starfleet I lost ANOTHER runabout! (to Worf) Mr. Worf, take our GUEST to the brig. Worf: (picking up Kerplunk off the floor) With pleasure sir. [Worf exits by the turbo lift. Sisco notices he is alone in ops.] Sisco: Sisco to Major Kira. (no response) Major Kira! (pause) Computer, were is Major Kira?! Computer: Welcome to the University of Virginia Online Information Sever. Please enter you're four digit pin number. Sisco: (under his breath) Cardassian computers! (aloud) Sisco to O'brien. O'brien's Voice: O'brien here sir. Sisco: Get up here to Ops. We're short handed and the computer is asking me for a pin number again. O'brien's Voice: But sir, Odo is still..... Sisco: Odo will just have to sit tight or ooze his own way out from between the deck plates. Now how do I answer the frik'n computer! O'brien's Voice: Your PIN is the month and day of your birth. I'm on my way. Sisco: Let's see, April 5th. So that would be...... Computer. Computer: Welcome to the University of Virginia Online Information Sever. Please enter you're four digit pin number. Sisco: Three. Five. Computer: You entered three.... five. Press one if this is correct, two to reenter PIN. Sisco: One! Computer: You have entered an invalid PIN number, please try again. Sisco: (curses under his breath) Three! Five! Computer: You entered three.... five. Press one if this is correct, two to reenter PIN. Sisco: One! Computer: You have entered an invalid PIN number, please try again later. (dial tone) Sisco: (swears loudly) [New Scene: Exterior shot. The runabout sweeps down and enters orbit around a blue-green planet. Switch to interior of shuttle. The Ambassador and Carroll are sitting in the back, playing paper/scissors/rock; Kira pilots, Data co-pilots] Kira: (reporting) Entering orbit. Carroll: (to the Ambassador) YOU CHEAT! Ambassador: I did NOT! I am invoking diplomatic impunity! Carroll: (to the Ambassador) That's IMMUNITY you Ditron! Data: (to Kira) Stay here and watch the kids (motions his head) I've got to go alone. Kira: Do you think your father is here? Data: He's probably here. Living alone. Being a hermit for so many years can make one paranoid and uptight about strangers, you better stay here. Carroll: (to the Ambassador) IMMUNITY THIS!!! Kira: (motions her head to the others) Can I use a phaser? Data: (nods) Only on heavy stun. [New Scene: A club med type beach front resort. Many voluptuous scantily clad women running about. There is a bar on the beach and reclining chairs set up under umbrellas. The ocean is the most beautiful blue you've ever seen and the sand is sparkling white. The bar tender is a many tentacled green creature with two eyes mounted high on thin eyestalks. Data materializes next to the bar.] Barkeep: (to Data) May I get you anything? [Data is a bit shocked to be where he is. He kind of expected a bleaker setting.] Data: I'm sorry. I'm looking for Dr. Soong. I must have the wrong planet. [A figure snoozing in a chair under a nearby umbrella stirs.] Figure: Data? Data is that you? [Data approaches the umbrella. Dr Soong removes the straw hat over his eyes and sits up in the chair.] Data: Father? What are you doing here! Soong: I'm taking a vacation Data! What does it look like I'm doing? [A scantily clad babe runs by and Soong pats her on the behind.] Soong: See you later tonight Cindy! Data: (in shock) But everyone thought you were dead and.... Soong: Humph! I just wanted to get away from you kids for awhile. Always bickering and fighting. (imitates Lore) Father I love you more than Data so I had to disassemble him! (imitates Data) I am not less perfect than Lore. I am not less perfect than Lore. (back to his voice) REALLY! Such activity wears a man out! Data: (cocks his head) Soong: So what's you're point! What are YOU doing here? Data: I wanted to see you father. And.... Lore is dead. Soong: So you finally killed the lousy good for nothing! (stands and slaps Data on the back) I didn't think you'd ever do it Data! I cursed the day I put that moral and ethical behavior program in you. (walks to the bar) You want a drink? Data: Father! I didn't expect you to react this way! Soong: (gets a drink from the barkeep and chugs it) Ah! Bah! Lore was nothing but trouble. Remember _I_ disassembled him! It was YOU that put him back together! (a less flamboyant tone) We all make mistakes Data. Mine was Lore. I thought I could make a human not just another android. But I got a second chance with you Data. And you've made me proud. Sometimes very irritated, but proud. Data: I have so many anecdotes to relate to you father. Soong: No need. I've kept tabs on you Data. There is a little transmitter in your posotronic net that keeps me updated about your experiences. Data: So you know about my dreams? Soong: Dreams?!? What dreams? Data: You mean they aren't part of my programming? I just assumed... Soong: Tell me about them! Oh my! I never dreamed....... Data: (puzzled and amazed) YOU never dreamed! Soong: (waving his hands and taking a seat) No. No. No! I've DREAMED, but I never.... Well, you weren't designed to dream. Data: Then where do my dreams come from father? Soong: (curses) Please Data. Don't call me Father. It's too old gentleman like. Data: Okay, (gives a cheezy grin) DAD. Soong: (under his breath) Come to think of it, I like father better. He sounds just like Lore!(to Data) Where do anyone's dreams come from Data? (gestures at the sky with his hand in a wide sweeping gesture) Why should you be any different? (pauses) Maybe you're ready for this after all. (he begins to reach in his pocket, when a Ford Pinto thunders onto the beach behind him. He turns and his attitude melts into despair and fear.) They found me! (mumbling to himself) Good God! They found me! [Soong turns and starts to run in Data's direction but stumbles. Data catches him.] Data: Dad! What's wrong. Soong: Geeze Data! When you call me Dad you sound like Beaver Cleaver. (Data looks puzzled. Soong turns and points) It's the Ditron terrorists that I got the dilithium crystals from to power my lab. They wanted me to build them a bomb but I gave them a casing filled with Lore's spare parts instead. Now they've caught up with me and I'm DEAD! [Soong pulls himself back to his feet. The background music changes to the fanfare from "Back to the Future" as Soong begins to run down the beach. The Ford Pinto bears down on him mercilessly, knocking the stunned Data face down in the sand as it thunders past. Data looks up to see the professor cornered at the beach equipment rental tent down the beach. Closeup of Data's face in anguish] Data: (screams) DOC! [Soong puts his hands up and the terrorists open the doors to the Pinto and take aim with their phasers. There is a pause, it's a tense moment. The music dies to a mummer.] Ditron Swine: (in a Gorganglian accent) Hankf gor mat tow Soong! [All the Ditron terrorists laugh. Subtitles read: "End of the road Soong." The Ditrons take aim with their phasers and then the tension is broken. Data walks up behind the head Ditron and taps him on the shoulder.] Ditron Swine: (turns to look at Data) Yoj? [Subtitles: "Huh?"] Data: Pardon me, but do you have any Grey Pupon? Ditron Swine: Yov goh! [Subtitles: "But of course!" The Ditron reaches into the car and pulls the Grey Pupon out of the glove compartment.] Data: (takes the mustard) Thank you sir. (Hits the Ditron squarely across the jaw and sends him flying) [The other Ditrons fire on Soong, he collapses, presumably wounded. The Ditrons pull their comrade into the Pinto and take off back down the beach. Data runs a few steps and throws the Grey Pupon at the fleeing car.] [A slow motion close up of the Pinto's bumper. The Grey Pupon jar flies into the field of view and ever so slightly hits the rear bumper with a soft gentle ping.] [Quickly back to a shot of Data having just thrown the mustard. The Pinto explodes in a gigantic ball of flames. Data turns to Soong, who is laying injured on the ground. Soong has massive phaser wounds in the chest.] Soong: (coughing blood) Nice shot Data. Data: (examining Soong) We need to get you to a doctor. (hits his comm badge.) Major, two to beam up. [Data and Soong dematerialize.] [New Scene: Sisco is alone in ops and becoming increasingly frustrated with the computer. O'brien steps out of the lift unnoticed by Sisco.] Computer: You entered three.... five. Press one if this is correct, two to reenter PIN. Sisco: (foaming at the mouth) One! Computer: You have entered an invalid PIN number, please try again. [Sisco violently kicks the console.] Obrien: (politely) Sir, if I might suggest; you are forgetting your zeros. Sisco: (too pissed to speak) Obrien: Like this sir; computer? Computer: Welcome to the University of Virginia Online Information Sever. Please enter you're four digit pin number. Obrien: Oh. Three. Oh. Five. (smiles at Sisco, who growls) Computer: You entered zero three.... zero five. Press one if this is correct, two to reenter PIN. Obrien: (smugly) One. Computer: That is not a valid Pin number. [Obrien is shocked and enraged. He pulls his phaser and takes aim at the console.] Obrien: Validate this! Ye stink'n comput'r! [Obrien fires on the computer and the console explodes in a shower of sparks. Just now Worf arrives in ops.] Worf: (raising an eyebrow) Trouble with the computer? Sisco: (covering up, placid as ever) No. No. Not at all. Worf: Kerplunk is in the brig sir. However, I believe that the Ambassador escaped on the runabout and took Data and Major Kira hostage. Sisco: (nods) Chief can the computer confirm that? Obrien: (approaches the blackened console, a panel falls off) I'm afraid it took that information with it sir, along with all our course registration information. Sisco: (dismayed) Not my registration too! Obrien: (shaking his head) 'Fraid so. Everything is in the bloody computer these days. (stuck by an idea) Maybe the Enterprise can help. Sisco: (perks up) Yes! Patch me through Chief. Obrien: Aye sir. We have audio only. Sisco: Commander Sisco to Enterprise. We need assistance in locating the Klingon Ambassador. Our sensors are.... (glances at the computer) not functioning, but we believe he hijacked a runabout. [sounds of confusion on the Enterprise bridge.] Sisco: (confused) I'm sorry I didn't hear you. Picard's Voice: Well, if YOU can't Number One then Geordi must shave my head! Geordi's Voice: But I'm blind! Riker's Voice: (sulking) Better than me. I'm just a blowhard good for nothing. Picard's Voice: Make it so! [Sounds of a razor in operation. Then a scream.] Wesley's Voice: (laughing) Captain! You sure look funny with only one eyebrow! Can I borrow the razor when your done, I'm starting to get hair in funny places. [Sisco looks at Obrien. Obrien looks at Worf. Worf looks at Sisco. They shrug. Sisco makes a cutting motion across his neck.] Sisco: I guess we're on our own. Obrien: Sir! A message coming in from the Klingons. [Wing Mahn appears on the screen.] Sisco: How may we be of assistance sir. Wing Mahn: (outraged, eyes bulging in Klingon fashion) We intercepted your transmission and we KNOW how you bungled the handling of OUR criminal. WE will go retrieve him from the gamma quadrant and bring him to JUSTICE! Sisco: (smiles) You must be that Wing Mahn guy I've heard so much about. Aren't you good friends with the Ambassador? Maybe you could just bring him back and we could talk this over with the Bjorans. I think it's all just a big misunderstanding. Wing Mahn: I have my orders DIRECTLY from the Klingon high council. And I am bound to fulfil them. It is a matter of HONOR. (raises and eyebrow and pauses) The law is quite clear. To break the law IS a breach of HONOR. I am bound to uphold Klingon law and my orders. (regretfully) I cannot act on my own accord. Sisco: Sir. If you would stop maybe we could get the Bjorans to listen..... Wing Mahn: (back to business) The time to talk is OVER! Let the diplomats sort out the bodies in my wake! [The screen goes off.] Obrien: Sir. The Klingons are entering the worm hole. [The screen shows Wing Mahn's ship enter the wormhole.] Worf: Commander. We have one more runabout. Request permission..... Sisco: (placidly) Oh of course mister Worf.... (shouts) NOT! DENIED! Obrien: Sir. A message from Bajor: Vedic Gwin says not to interfere, when the Klingons return they will take custody of the Ambassador. Worf: (a bit concerned) The KLINGONS will EAT the Bjorans for lunch. Sisco: It seems tempers are running high. Obrien: It's the start of a bloody war if you ask me. All over an affair between a Klingon and a Bjoran. Worf: Klingons hold very strong feelings about "deviant urges." Sisco: (raises and eyebrow) Is that so mister Worf? It seems that you would be more sensitive than the average Klingon. I appears you can't judge (gestures like opening a book) a book by it's cover. Worf: (straightening his posture) Some have called me a wuss.... But sir, you give me too much credit. (pauses) I must agree morally with the high council. OBrien: I have to agree sir. While it is silly to get all riled up over this, it is a bit sickening.... you know.... doing you-know-what out side your own race! Sisco: (raises an eyebrow) Four hundred years ago Chief, I would have been considered a different "race", just because of my appearance. Worf: This is different. This is about perverse and deviant sexual preferences! (His voice hushes as he says the word "sexual") Sisco: (humoring Worf) I see. And how is this a crime if it only involves two individuals? Worf: Sir. (straightens up) I cannot accept the Ambassador's actions as moral and legal. However, I am a Star Fleet Officer and I WILL follow what ever orders you give me. Obrien: Same from me sir. It turns my stomach, but you are my commander. Sisco: I will not order you to do something you find morally wrong. But I want you to think. Worf, what did you think of the Ambassador before this incident? And you Obrien? How can you condemn him just for this?!? Obrien: (points at the screen) Something is coming through the wormhole! [All turn to look and the wormhole "unfolds" on the screen.] [New Scene: On the runabout. Data materializes holding Soong's limp body. Carroll and the Ambassador sit tied and gagged in the corner. Kira approaches Data to help with Soong.] Kira: (alarmed) What happened! Data: We need to get Dr Soong medical attention NOW. (nods his head towards Carroll and the Ambassador) They got to you? Kira: (hold up two fingers a centimeter apart) I was THIS close.... [Data and Kira place Soong in a seat and strap him in. Kira takes the Pilot seat and Data takes the co-pilot seat.] Data: We have to got back to DS9 through the wormhole. Kira: (nodding) My thoughts exactly. [Soong grabs Data's arm from behind.] Soong: (hoarsely) Data. [Data rushes to Soong's side. Soong pulls a claim check from his pocket and pushes it at Data.] Soong: (hoarsely) Data. I want you to take this. [Data takes it and looks it over] Data: (cocks his head) This is a drycleaning claim check? Soong: (nods) Data: Fa.... Dad, I don't think that the situation is so grave you should entrust me with your drycleaning. Soong: (coughs) No Data! The emotion chip...... it's in my coat pocket... (coughs) I hope it survived drycleaning. Data: (gives the claim check back to Soong, tucking it in his pocket) I think you should keep this. (raises an eyebrow) I can always take it off your corpse when you die. (Data returns to his seat) Soong: That was a real pick-me-up Data! Kira: (alarmed) Klingon K'vort Class Cruiser decloaking in front of us! All stop!! [The area behind them shimmers and three Klingons materialize in the runabout, disruptors drawn. One of the Klingons is Wing Mahn. Wing Mahn sees the Ambassador tied up and puts his disrupter away. The other two Klingons cover Data and Kira.] Wing Mahn: I see that you have already tied him up for me! (gives the Ambassador a nudge with his foot) Kira: Get back from him or I'll.... I'll...... (aside to Data) What will we do? Data: (whisper to Kira) I think we should probably surrender Kira: ........Or we'll SURRENDER!!! (Kira twists her face realizing what she just said) Carroll: (whimpers in the corner) Data: Dr. Soong (nods in Soong's direction) needs medical attention. Wing Mahn: Of course. We don't care about you. We'll just drop you off at DS9. Take them all aboard and throw them in the brig! [New Scene: In the Klingon Brig. Kira paces back and forth. Data sits in the corner attending to Soong. The Ambassador is standing staring at the wall and Carroll is moping in the corner.] Carroll: (perks up) Hey! Maybe I could bust us out with this paper clip! (triumphantly holds up a paper clip) [Everyone groans.] Carroll: (disappointed) Okay, okay. Maybe you've seen that one. How about with a (pauses as he searches his pocket) a... (digs deeper in his pocket) a BALL OF LINT! [Everyone hisses.] Carroll: (going back to moping) Tough crowd! Kira: (looks at Carroll weird) Do you think you're McGyver or something? Carroll: As a matter of fact.... YES! I just left my pocket knife in my other uniform! Soong: (moans) Argh! The quality of the jokes is killing me! Data: Is there anything I could do to make it better Dad? Soong: (suggests) Shut up? Ambassador: Well I guess this is the end of the road for me. Sorry to get you guys into this. Kira: We have to find a way to get you out of here. (turns to see Data has gone unconscious) Data? [Zoom in on Data's face.] Soong: He must be dreaming. This is remarkable. I never designed him to DREAM! Carroll: You mean it's all a bug? Soong: I prefer to call it an unexpected feature. Kira: Well he seems to conk out at the worst times, so I'd call it a bug. Soong: (concerned) Has he said anything about his dreams? Kira: He keeps seeing this woman and he often dreams he has emotions, mostly negative ones. Carroll: He dreamed about you the first time he dreamed and there's always a lot of funky imagery and potted plants in the corridors. Soong: This might be worse than I thought. [New Scene: Data's Dream Part III. Soong's words echo in Data's dream. He is on the Enterprise walking down a corridor. He passed a potted plant. He hears singing it seems to get closer and he comes to a door. He steps through the door and sees the woman, sitting in front of a mirror and combing her hair. She doesn't notice him. He is mesmerized by the song. It sees he should know it, but he can't place it. Suddenly the red alert klaxons go off and he is laying on a table in sickbay. Dr. Crusher, Picard, and Riker are there.] Crusher: It is time. (motions to Picard and Riker) Hold him down. [Data struggles. He feels FEAR and PANIC. Picard and Riker hold him down as crusher lowers a hood over his face and everything goes black.] TO BE CONTINUED!!