SSSS TTTTTTT AAAA RRRRR TTTTTTT RRRRR EEEEEE K KK S T A A R R T R R E K KK SSSS T AAAAA RRRRRR T RRRRRR EEEE KKKK S T A A R R T R R E K K SSSS T A A R R T R R EEEEEE K K THE N N EEEEE W W CCC OOO L L EEEEE GGGG EEEEE N N N E W W C C O O L L E G G E N N N EEE W W W C O O L L EE G EEE N N N E W W W C C O O L L E G GGG E N N EEEEE W WW CCCC OOOO LLLLL LLLLL EEEEE GGGG EEEEE GGGG EEEEE N N EEEEE RRRR AAAA TTTTTTT IIIII OOOO N N G G E N N N E R R A A T I O O N N N G EEE N N N EEE RRRRR AAAAA T I O O N N N G GGG E N N N E R R A A T I O O N N N GGGG EEEEE N N EEEEE R R A A T IIIII OOOO N N STARTREK: THE NEW COLLEGE GENERATION SEASON 3 EPISODE 4: Flood Written by Spaceman Spiff With Creative Credit to Da Teach ============================================================== === Credits Captain Jean Luc Picard...............Jeffery Lt Cmdr Geordi LaForge.....Col Hafez Al Baruk Lt Carroll..............................Jason Conselor Deanna Troi................Heather H Commander Riker.......................Peeeter Lt Commander Data.......................SPiff Lt Svoboda.........................Matt Svboda Ensign Campbell................Kasey Campbell Doctor Beverly Crusher.................Anita! Wesley Crusher.....................Timmy Dude ============================================================== === [New Scene: Exterior shot of the Enterprise cruising. A huge beautiful pink nebula swirls in the background.] Picard's Voice: Captain's log stardate 47601.2. The Enterprise has been ordered to meet with the research vessel Gregor on the way to starbase 2008. Our orders are to offload scientific samples from the Gregor and deliver them to our final destination. The Gregor has been conduction extensive studies of protostars. [Switch to a lab. Geordi and Carroll are fiddling around with stuff. Carroll drops a wrench on his foot and starts hopping around in pain. He accidently hits a wall panel and Geordi receives a rather large shock from the console he is working on.] Picard's Voice: Many of the samples we will be transporting are high energy plasma. Engineering has been working on converting one of the labs to accommodate our cargo. [Switch to bridge. Picard in command. Riker to his right. Troi to his left. Data at Ops. Campbell at tactical. Svboda at navigation. Riker is asleep.] Campbell: (to Picard) Sir. The Gregor is ready to transfer the samples. Picard: Picard to LaForge. Are you ready to receive the samples? Geordi's voice: Is the square root of pi 1.77? Picard: (looks at Data for the answer) Data: The square root of pi is 1.772453851...... Picard: (interrupting) Thank you mister Data. (to LaForge) Prepare to receive the samples. (to Data) Begin the transfer mister Data. Data: (punching buttons) Aye sir. Picard: (turns to Riker) Number One? [Riker is startled out of his slumber.] Riker: (groggy) Huh? (startled) RED ALERT!!!!! Picard: Cancel that order! Riker: (gathering his senses) Sorry sir. I thought that my only line in this scene was "red alert" and I didn't want to miss it. Picard: (to Data) Mister Data? Is that correct? Data: (without stopping his work at Ops) Yes sir. According to the script Commander Riker has one line. He is only beaten out be Lt. Svboda who says absolutely nothing. Svboda: (Smiles and waves at the camera) Picard: (frowns) My bad Number One. Resume sleeping. [pause] Picard: (puzzled) Wait a second. Red alert? That's ridiculous. How could something go wrong with such a routine transfer. Data: (still working) This is StarTrek sir. In the 24th century nothing works right. Troi: (distressed) Captain. I feel that something is wrong. Picard: As you were saying Data. Troi: (shocked) You believe me! Picard: No, I agreed that nothing in the 24th century works. Data: (reporting) Transfer complete. [Picard stands and walks to the view screen. He stands there and looks out on the stars with satisfaction. He turns back toward the crew.] Picard: See there. That wasn't so bad. We can do something without having a major catastrophe. It won't get us high ratings and it might be boring, but isn't it just nice to get something right every once and a while? [A huge explosion appears on the view screen and illuminates the bridge.] Data: (working furiously) The Gregor is destroyed. Campbell: (reporting) Deflectors up! [The bridge shakes violently. Picard is knocked to the floor. The shock wave passes. Troi reaches over and pokes Riker.] Riker: (snaps to attention) Rrrrrrrrrrrred Alert! (notices he's off cue) Dammit! Slept through my line again! [Picard stands and pulls down his uniform shirt.] Picard: What happened? Campbell: All decks reporting only minor damage. The main deflector dish is badly damaged. Engineering reports two days to repair it. Troi: (proud of herself) I felt an explosion. Picard: (to Riker) I'm so glad we have an empath to tell us these things. I would have never noticed. Riker: And she helps fill the bridge babe quota too..... Data: It appears that the Gregor suffered a computer malfunction which led to a Warp Core Breach(tm) [note: Warp Core Breach is a trademark of Paramount Communications and may not be used with out the expressed written permission of Paramount and executive producer Rick Berman, but who really cares because if they sue me what are they going to get from me?] Picard: (being authoritative) Mister Data. Go to Engineering and review the sensor logs with commander LaForge. I'd like to know the exact reasons for the destruction of the Gregor. Data: (gets up to go) Aye sir. [Data exits by the rear turbo lift. Svboda shifts over to Ops and Wesley comes in to take Nav.] Troi: I felt something odd during the transfer. Like a great loneliness..... Picard: You live in Johnson House. Everyone feels that. After all we are that "lonely building all alone at the top of the hill." The architects own words mind you. Wesley: (pouting) All you probably felt was me because I didn't get a Valentine on Valentines Day from anyone. Picard: (annoyed) Get a life Wesley. Troi: I feel your pain Wesley. Riker: (under his breath) Heh heh. She said "feel". Picard: Well, is there any reason to say here, or shall we get going? Riker: There ain't many pieces left to pick up after a matter antimatter explosion. Picard: A very astute observation Number One. (to Wesley) Lay in a course for Starbase 2008, warp factor 3..... Riker: (under his breath) Heh heh. He said "lay." Picard: That's quite enough Number One! No more Beavis and Butthead for you! (to Wesley) Engage. [New Scene: Main Engineering in the control room of the warp core. Data and Geordi are at a console examining the logs from the Gregor.] Geordi: (puzzled) Warp cores just don't blow up like that. Data: (fiddling furiously at the console) It seems that they had been experiencing difficulty with their computer just prior to the explosion. Geordi: (looking closer at what Data is doing) Yeah, you're right. (points at the console) Right here there appears to be some outside influence on the computer that destablized the warp core control. Data: (licks his finger and rubs the display screen) Incorrect. THAT is a speck of dust..... (examines his finger) or a booger. Geordi: (exasperated) Dammit! You'd think we were using a terminal in Cocke Hall. Data: (pointing out another inconsistency in the data) Here. This appears to be the outside influence..... Geordi: (puzzled) But what could it be? [pause. Data and Geordi look at one another.] Data and Geordi: (together) The plasma samples. [Data and Geordi get up and exit.] [New Scene: The lab with the plasma samples. The samples are in three separate cylindrical canisters sitting in the middle of the lab. The pretty pink plasma inside the sample containers dances and sparkles. Carroll is tweaking the controls. Dr. Crusher enters.] Carroll: May I help you Doctor? Crusher: The Gregor logs indicated curious biological readings in the plasma samples and I was just curious. (whips out her tricorder) Mind if I check them out? Carroll: Not at all. [Crusher starts scanning the samples. The comm panel chirps] Geordi's Voice: LaForge to Carroll, report to engineering. Carroll: (to Crusher) I've got to go. Could you keep an eye on things for me. Crusher: (smiles disarmingly) Sure. [Carroll exits and Crusher continues her scans. Slowly, the camera zooms in on her.] Whispery voice: Beverly..... Beverly...... Crusher: (hears the voice and is startled) Who? Who's there? [Zoom back out. Crusher turns and sees a man standing behind her in an old style StarFleet uniform.] Crusher: (taken aback) Jack? Man: (smiles) It's been a long time Beverly. I need your help..... Crusher: (still can't believe she is seeing her dead husband becomes skeptical) Wait a second. How did you get here? Man: (stumped, goes for the humorous response) I walked? [Data and Geordi enter. Crusher and the man don't notice.] Crusher: When were we married? How much did Wesley weigh when he was born? How did we meet? (steps in the man's face) Where is my birthmark? Man: (confused) Beverly...... Crusher: (getting worked up) I bet you think that just cause I'm the soft venerable type that I'm easy prey you evil space demon but let me tell you one thing mister (shakes her finger at him): this woman ain't going to fall for you're cheap tricks! [The man shimmers and vanishes.] Geordi: (snickers) Birthmark? Crusher: (notices Geordi and Data) Oh hi. You're just in time. Something screwy is going on. Data: We have reason to believe that the plasma is some how effecting ship systems. Crusher: The Gregor had reported strange energy signatures in the plasma samples including biological patterns. Data: (walks to the console and starts a scan) That would explain it. Geordi: Explain what? Data: It appears that the plasma samples contain several energy patterns that when combined are able to carry out complex thought processes. Geordi and Crusher: (confused) Huh? Data: We're dealing with a sentient being. Geordi: Hey. Were is Carroll. He's suppose to be here. Crusher: You just called him to engineering. Geordi: No I didn't. Data: (begins working at the console) I think it would be prudent to set up a level 5 contain........ [The lights dim and the ship shakes slightly. The Red alert lights come on.] Data: (shrugs) To late. [Switch to bridge. Picard standing leaning over Svboda's shoulder at Ops. Wesley at Nav. Riker and Campbell at tactical.] Wesley: Helm's not responding! Svoboda: There seems to be something in the computer system. [The bridge shakes and everyone looks up.] Computer: Warning. The phone mail system is out of memory. Please delete any un-needed messages. The bridge will depressurize in 20 seconds. Picard: Everyone off the bridge. Riker: Women and me first!!! [Everyone crams into the turbo lifts.] [New Scene: Engineering. Riker, Picard, Geordi, and Data are crowded around the table console. There is a flurry of activity around the warp core behind them.] Geordi: We're working now to separate the warp core control from the main computer. We don't want to end up like the Gregor. Riker: (nods) We can't get to the battle bridge either. We're locked out. Picard: What about the auxiliary control room? Data: Sir, there is no auxiliary control room. [Picard, Riker and Geordi act disgusted. Picard takes Data aside.] Picard: (quietly) I know there isn't an auxiliary control room. You know there isn't an auxiliary control room, but we were hoping that maybe we could just make the writers forget that there wasn't an auxiliary control room so that we could have a nifty plot device to get out of this. Data: (nods) Sorry sir. I will try to be sensitive to this in the future. Picard: (pats Data on the back) Very good. [Picard and Data rejoin Riker and Geordi.] Geordi: (examining the data readout) It appears that whatever has taken control of the ship is taking us back to where the Gregor collected the plasma samples. Picard: It's going home. Riker: (serious) Captain, I think we should consider using the self destruct. [Dramatic music in the background.] Picard: (nods solemnly) Make it so. We can not allow the Enterprise to be controlled by an alien entity. [Picard and Riker dramatically take places opposite each other on either side of the table console. Picard puts his palm on the display.] Picard: Computer. Recognize Picard, Jean Luc. Computer: Positive identification. Captain Jean Luc Picard. [Riker puts his palm on the display] Riker: Computer. Recognize Riker, William T. Computer: Positive identification. First Officer William Riker. Picard: Initiate auto destruct. Alpha Beta Five. Computer: Does the First Officer concur. Riker: Yes. [In the background Carroll opens up and access panel and pulls out a burnt fuse.] Carroll: Geeze! Ensign Bumboy! Didn't I tell you to replace this fuse yesterday! Voice of Camera: Yes sir. [Carroll shakes his head and obtains a replacement fuse from his pocket. He replaces the fuse and slams the panel shut.] Computer: All systems back on line. Carroll: That's more like it. (walks off) [Picard and Riker and Data and Geordi all exchange dumbfound glances.] Picard: Er.... Computer. Cancel that self destruct order. Computer: Self destruct canceled. Geordi: (checking his panel) All systems normal..... Ooops? Picard: (turns bright red) Data: (whispers to Picard) Sir, wasn't there a DRILL scheduled for this week. Picard: Right! A drill! (turns to everyone in engineering) Very good everyone! I'm very proud of your participation in this drill. Commander Riker will let you know the results of his evaluation in a day or two. Riker: (confused) I will? Picard: (shoots Riker an icy glance) Riker: (everything clears up) Oh yeah! Right! THAT report. [New Scene: Aft Lounge. Data is briefing Picard, Riker, Geordi and Crusher.] Data: So it seems that a simultaneous malfunction of the comm system, holodeck, helm, warp control, damage control, and environmental control, all caused by a shorted fuse, contributed to the "incident". Riker: And the Gregor? Data: It was all a complex illusion created by the malfunctioning holodeck. Picard: Thank you Data. That was totally nonsesical, but it does resolve the plot. (looks at his watch) In record time, I might add. Anyone have anything else? [Everyone shakes their head.] Crusher: This is a rather bland ending to an episode. Geordi: Yeah it's like the writer has a midterm or something. Data: (cocks his head) That is very likely. Picard: Maybe we should end with a song..... [Switch to exterior shot of the Enterprise cruising.] [End theme and credits roll]