SSSS TTTTTTT AAAA RRRRR TTTTTTT RRRRR EEEEEE K KK S T A A R R T R R E K KK SSSS T AAAAA RRRRRR T RRRRRR EEEE KKKK S T A A R R T R R E K K SSSS T A A R R T R R EEEEEE K K THE N N EEEEE W W CCC OOO L L EEEEE GGGG EEEEE N N N E W W C C O O L L E G G E N N N EEE W W W C O O L L EE G EEE N N N E W W W C C O O L L E G GGG E N N EEEEE W WW CCCC OOOO LLLLL LLLLL EEEEE GGGG EEEEE GGGG EEEEE N N EEEEE RRRR AAAA TTTTTTT IIIII OOOO N N G G E N N N E R R A A T I O O N N N G EEE N N N EEE RRRRR AAAAA T I O O N N N G GGG E N N N E R R A A T I O O N N N GGGG EEEEE N N EEEEE R R A A T IIIII OOOO N N STARTREK: THE NEW COLLEGE GENERATION SEASON 3 EPISODE 7: Decomposition (1/2) Written by Spaceman Spiff With Creative Credit to Da Teach ============================================================== Credits Commander Riker.......................Peeeter Lt Harris......................The Harrisman! Counselor Troi................Heather Higgins Lt Commander Data.......................SPiff Lt Worf.................................ROCK! Captain Jean Luc Picard...............Jeffery Wesley Crusher.....................Timmy Dude Q...............................Aldo Bachetta Biff...........................Allison Linney Young Picard..........................Jeffery Young Beverly..........................Anita! Dr. Soong...............................Tamir Oh............................Henry, Henry Oh The Colonel.....................Jeff V. Parks Mr T...............................Evan Light Murdoch..........................Chris Newman Face...............................Ben Hermes ============================================================== [New Scene: The bridge of the Enterprise. Picard in Command. Riker to his right. Troi to his left. Data at ops. Wesley at Nav. Worf at Tactical. Lt Harris is giving a report to Riker. While Riker examines the report, Harris and Troi exchange fleeting glances.] Riker: (checking the report) Very good Lieutenant. (notices Harris looking at Troi.) Do you know the counselor? Harris: (blushes) Well..... Troi: (interjects curtly) We dated briefly at the Academy. Riker: (raises and eyebrow and smiles wickedly) Intriguing. (to Harris) Maybe you would like to join us for a drink later in Ten Forward.... You two could catch up with each other. Troi: (very uncomfortable) I don't think..... Harris: (enthusiastic) Sounds great. I'll see you about 1900 hours? Riker: (grins ear to ear and nods.) [Wesley giggles. Worf rolls his eyes. Picard pretends to ignore the whole thing. Harris exits by the aft turbo lift and Troi gives Riker a dirty look. Riker just smiles and shrugs.] Worf: (suddenly alarmed) Sir! There is a disturbance in front of us! Data: Romulan warbird decloaking. Riker: Rrrrrrrrrrrrred Alert! Picard: PUNCH BUGGY! (reaches over and slugs Riker in the arm) Wesley: All stop. [The warbird shimmers into view on the screen. As Riker slaps the Captain.] Picard: Hail them mister Worf. I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding. Worf: (shaking his head) No response. Data: The warbird is firing. [The bridge rocks with the hit.] Worf: Shields holding at 80%. Return fire? Picard: (a bit ruffled) Okay, they pissed me off.... Fire a warning shot across their bow mister Worf. Worf: (rolls his eyes) Troi: I sense... laughter. [The bridge rocks with another hit.] Worf: (getting a little concerned) Shields at 30%! Riker: (to Picard) Captain! We must return fire! [A blinding white flash. The crew is no longer on the bridge. the have all been transported into the midst of a blinding white light. Everyone looks around puzzled. Q steps forward out of the light, dressed all in white.] Q: (smugly) Facing our own mortality?..... AGAIN. Picard: Q! I demand...... Q (taunting) Demand what? You are SO beyond hope. [Data flips open his tricorder. Q turns and makes it disappear. Data is slightly surprised.] Q: (to Data) You don't need that. Riker: (barks) What do you want Q!?! Q: (cryptically) Answers, of course. [Everyone gives Q a blank stare.] Q: (loosing patience) You humans are SO boring. (turns to Data) But you... How about another shot at being human Data? (raises and eyebrow) Wesley: (whines) Everyone else gets character development before I do! Q: (brushes it off) Oh, very well. We'll include you young Crusher in our little game. (pauses and notices Worf.) Mr. Worf! So quiet? Not even a growl for me? Worf: (mumbles) I would not give you the pleasure.... Q: (shrugs) Have it your way micro-brain (he waves his hands) [A flash and Data and Wesley are sitting in a booth in a busy arcade filled with StarFleet cadets. They exchange shocked glances.] [Theme music and credits roll.] [New Scene: In the arcade. Data and Wesley sit together at a booth against a wall opposite a counter with stools. Many StarFleet cadets are there, both in and out of uniform.] Data: (looking around) Amazing. It seems we are back on Earth at the Academy Arcade. Judging from the uniforms and other factors, I would say we are about 25 years in the past. As a matter of fact, this is about the time that Captain Picard and your mother, Dr. Crusher, were attending the Academy. Wesley: (his attention caught by something across the room) You won't believe this Data. [Data turns to look over toward the counter. Three huge guys are towering over a much smaller cadet in uniform.] Biff: Look here pipsqueak, what did I tell ya about sitting on my stool? Young Picard: (pulling down his tunic) I am Jean Luc Picard of StarFleet Academy! I will sit where I want! Biff: (condescending) Pick-nose, We've been through this before. I'd hate to kick your lily white French bum. Now outta my way! (he shoves young Picard) Young Picard: (puffing his chest) You Bully! I'll give you a warning shot! (Picard swings his fist an inch from Biff's nose) [Biff and his henchmen laugh at Picard.] Biff: (Winding up to punch Picard) Say good night Grace.... [Data walks up behind Biff and taps him on the shoulder. Biff is confused. He turns around to face Data.] Data: Excuse me, but I cannot allow this altercation to occur. Biff: (snickers) Oh really? What rock did you crawl out from under pale skin? [Picard darts out of the arcade and one of Biff's cronies yells after him.] Biff: (focusing on Data) Let him go. We have some fresh meat. (grinds his fist into his palm) Wesley: (rushing to Data's side) Hey now! Let's just cool of. [Biff and company laugh at Wesley.] Biff: (pointing at Wesley sarcastically) Look! He makes the fight almost fair! [Biff quickly winds up and without warning throws a punch at Data. Data quickly leans to one side and dodges the punch. In retaliation, he sweeps Biff's feet from under him.] [Biff's cohorts are stunned by Data's swiftness, but quickly react. One throws Wesley across the room onto a table surrounded by a booth full of young women. One is a red head med-student who looks vaguely familiar. Wesley quickly gets up.] Wesley: (taking a bow) Ladies...... Young Beverly: (giggles and smiles at Wesley) [Wesley swallows hard as he notices his mom. He scurries off to help Data.] [Data has dispatched Biff's friends,, but Biff gets back to his feet. He charges Data and twists his arm. Data's hand falls off in Biff's grip. Biff is so shocked that he doesn't notice Wesley, who hits Biff over the head with a stool knocking him out.] Data: (to Wesley) I think we should make a prompt exit. [Data turns for the door. Wesley quickly grabs Data's severed hand and they run out of the arcade past young Beverly who waves at Wesley.] [New Scene: In the gardens at StarFleet Academy. Wesley and Data are inconspicuously attempting to reattach Data's hand.] Data: (shakes his head) We will need a work shop to effect repairs to my hand. Wesley: (quietly) He acted as if he hadn't seen an android before. Data: Chances are he hasn't. It will still be several years before My brother Lore, the first Soong android, will be constructed. Wesley: Oh, I forgot. Data, do you think this is real? Q: (appearing seemingly out of no where) Of course it is real! Data: (turning to Q) Considering your past antics Q, I would be led to believe that this is an elaborate facade. Q: Oh contraire mon frare. (gestures at their surroundings) This is all real. I ASSURE you. (matter-of-factly) Why Wesley just rubbed out his own pitiful existence back in the arcade. Data: (confused) How is this possible. Wesley: (disappointed in himself) My mother.... I bet that Picard was suppose to have been thrown on to her table instead of me. Q: Bingo! Now they'll probably NEVER meet. Data: (concerned) If your mother never meets Captain Picard, he can't introduce her to your father! Q: You guys are swift! Now, normally I'd just let things be. After all, the universe would HARDLY miss Wesley the genetic fluke. But I like you two, so I'll give you a chance to work things out, but only 48 hours. (turns to go then pauses) Oh, and Data, try not to mess up your existence. That would REALLY be a shame. (he disappears in a flash) Wesley: (gaining insight) Data! Your father! Isn't he on Earth doing research at the Academy now? Data: (following Wesley's thought with concern) He is, but remember what Q said about jeopardizing my existence. Wesley: Nonsense. Let's go get your hand fixed. We can explain your skin and eye color as an alien type thing, but it's a little harder to explain a severed hand with exposed circuitry. Data: (nods) True. Let's go. [They turn to go and as they step out on the path, Wesley bumps into young Beverly, knocking her down.] Wesley: (not noticing who it is) I'm so sorry, let me help you...... (he offers a hand, not Data's) Young Beverly: (looks up with stars in her eyes, shyly) Hi. Don't I know you? [Bev takes Wesley's hand (not Data's). The dumbfounded Wesley helps her up. There is an awkward silence and Data clears his throat.] Wesley: Um... I've got to get going....... Young Beverly: (breaking out of her trance) Wait! I'll be at the arcade later. I'd like to see you again..... Wesley: (backpeddling) Sorry, I'd love to date you but that would seriously mess up the space time continuum. [Wesley and Data rush off, leaving Bev staring as they walk off. She sighs heavily and smiles.] [New Scene: A VERY cluttered laboratory. Electric components and wires are strewn all over the place. A soldering gun on the work bench smolders. There is a commotion out of sight like someone searching frantically for something. The camera walks through the lab and pans around the corner to were the commotion is. A person in a white lab coat is hunched over ransacking a small refrigerator. Dr. Soong stands up, banging his head on the refrigerator. He holds up a Coke bottle in the light.] Soong: (exclaiming) Ereaka! I thought I was out of kosher Coke. I could never stand to give this up for Passover. (he hugs the bottle as if it was gold) [There is a chirp signalling that someone is at the door. Soong is startled and jumps about ten feet in the air, dropping the Coke bottle. The bottle shatters into a million pieces and Soong yelps in anguish. He is quickly on his knees trying to reassemble the bottle. The door chirps again and he looks up with a gleam in his eye.] [Switch to Data and Wesley standing outside the door. Wesley rings the bell again.] Data: Perhaps he isn't here. Maybe we should come back later. [The door suddenly opens. Soong is standing there with a crazed look in his eyes holding a bizarre piece of equipment.] Soong: (very excited) Come in! Wesley: We are....................... Soong: (hushes them and pushes them through the door) Don't tell me anything! [The door shuts behind them.] [Switch to back in the lab. Soong takes a long thoughtful look at Wesley and then Data. Data and Wesley stand there very puzzled.] Wesley: Dr. Soong....... Soong: (excited) Just shut up! (to Data) You'll do fine... [Soong takes the piece of equipment he is holding and puts it on Data's head like a helmet. Data stands there perplexed and looking very ridiculous. Soong takes cables running from the contraption and plugs them into a console across the room.] Wesley: (being persistent) Doctor. We need you're help. We're from the future and Data..... Well he isn't human, he's an android and we need you to fix his hand. (he holds out Data's severed hand for Soong) Soong: (focusing on the work at hand) Yes, yes. That's nice. You said he was named Data? Wesley: (nods) Soong: (considers Data) Who would name their child Data? Data: (opens his mouth to speak) Soong: (loosing interest) Never mind. In a second I'll know everything in your head. Wesley: (insisting) Doctor, we REALLY need you to..... Soong: (triumphant) There we go! (punches a button) [There is a humming noise and Data collapses on the floor.] Soong: (very puzzled) That's not suppose to happen...... Wesley: (concerned) What did you do! Soong: (examining the console) I sucked his memory center in his brain but it shouldn't have made him pass out..... Not if he was human at least. Wesley: (exasperated) BUT HE ISN'T HUMAN!! Soong: (smacking his forehead) GREAT SCOTT!!!! (grabs and shakes Wesley) Why didn't you tell me!! Wesley: But I DID! Soong: (tries to take Data's pulse) He doesn't have a pulse.... Is he Antarian? Wesley: (emphatically) NO! HE IS AN ANDROID! I told you we're from the future and we need you too fix him. Soong: (all of a sudden very interested) AN ANDROID! I build androids! (calmer) Well, not one that has worked yet..... Who built him? Wesley: You did. Soong: (having a coronary) GREAT SCOTT!!!! (gets up and runs around) I need a Coke! [Soong goes for the refrigerator and starts ransacking it.] Wesley: (intrigued with Soong's behavior, looks back to Data's limp body) It looks like you'll have to repair more than his hand now Doc. [Soong notices he had broken his last Coke. He grabs a paper cup off a nearby table and tries to coax the puddle of Coke by the refrigerator into it. He is unsuccessful. Frustrated, he sits down and looks at Wesley.] Soong: You want ME, to fix an android? Wesley: (unsure) Well, yeah.... Can you? Soong: (looks at Data) Maybe I can use him for parts, but...... [We hear the door open and close. Soong freezes and wonders what he should do with Data.] A female Voice: Doc? You here? [Soong gestures to Wesley and they start dragging Data under at table.] Soong: I'm over here Karahan! Just a second! [Karahan walks around the corner and catches Wesley and Soong in the process of dragging Data by the feet. She gasps audibly.] Karahan: (distressed) Not again! Should I call the paramedics... (she turns for to com panel) Soong: (urgently, drops Data and lunges at Karahan to keep her from the panel) No! Everything is under control. Karahan: (gestures at Data) But, he's unconscience. [Soong shrugs and turns to help Wesley with Data. Karahan notices Data's hand on the work bench and then notices Data is missing a hand.] Karahan: (excited) He's and android! Doc! You didn't tell me you were this close...... Soong: (embarrassed, shuffles his feet) Well, I will build him but I didn't.... not yet. Karahan: (raises an eyebrow) Wesley: (irritated by the whole thing, steps forward) Hi. I'm Wesley.... I'm from the future and (gestures to Data) This is Data, the second Soong android. Soong: (shocked) I built more than one! Karahan: (not believing) Yeah right. (scornfully eyes Wesley) And I suppose that you have your time machine parked out back. Wesley: (blatantly truthful and defiant) No. We were brought here by and omniscient being named Q who is "playing a game with us." (folds his arms in disgust) Karahan: (sarcastic) An what about his friends W, X, Y, and Z? Soong: (stepping between them) Kids! (to Karahan) I have no other explanation for them. This technology (picks up Data's hand and waves it about) is beyond us now. (to Wesley) This is Karahan. She is my lab assistant. [Wesley and Karahan exchange an awkward handshake at Soong's urging.] Soong: (being conversational) So, what brings you here from the future Wesley? Wesley: (a bit distraught) I don't know why Q brought us here. He said something about teaching Data to be human. And now I've interfered with my own existence and my mother has a crush on me. And I have only 48 hours to fix what I've done or I cease to exist. Soong: (concerned) Oh my! [Karahan wanders over to Data with a tricorder and examines Data.] Wesley: Could I just leave Data with you to be fixed? I have a date with my mother...... Soong: (horrified) OH MY! Karahan: (speaking up) I think we can figure this out Doc. It's a lot like the theories you've been working with lately only the technological approach is different. (she stands and shows the tricorder readings to Soong) Wesley: (hurrying to leave) I've got to go. I'll be back for Data later? Soong: (distracted) Yeah. Have fun storming the castle..... [Wesley shakes his head and leaves.] [New Scene: Wesley is on grounds at the academy. He looks lost. He spies a phone near by and goes over to it.] Wesley: (mumbling to himself) I need some help. [Flashback!] Oh: (singing to the Beatle's hit "Help", with the Pep Band as back up.) Pep Band: HELP! Oh: I need somebody! Pep Band: HELP! Oh: Not just anybody! Pep Band: HELP! Oh: I need somebody! Pep Band: HEEEELLLLLLPPPP! [Back to Wesley by the phone. Shakes his head in disgust.] Wesley: (to himself) I need MASSIVE help. [Wesley picks up the phone book and opens to the "h" section in the yellow pages. His finger scans past the heading "Help", "Help, A Lot", "Help, Very Much", "Help, None." He stops at "Help, MASSIVE." There is only one entry, simply labeled "The B-Team." Wesley shrugs and dials the number. Marching drums start in the background.] A voice on the telephone: In 2304 a crack team of chefs was sent to prison by a starfleet court for a crime they didn't commit. The paper work was lost and these men were promptly accidently released from a maximum security stockade and got lost in San Francisco. Today, still hunted by starfleet, they BARELY survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem; if no one else can help; and if they don't get lost on the way to the job; maybe you can hire.... The B- Team! [The theme from "The A-Team" begins to play as Wesley looks at the phone with a great deal of confusion hanging it up. We hear the roar of a truck engine in the distance. Wesley turns and looks down the street to see a suped-up VW Bug screech around the corner and hit the fire hydrant standing five feet from him. Mr. T gets out of the passenger side of the car.] Mr. T: (yelling at the driver) YOU FOOL! COME HERE! [The Colonel, Face get out behind T. Murdoch gets out from the driver's side.] Mr. T: (angry) I TOLD YOU NOT TO LET THAT FOOL (points at Murdoch) DRIVE! Colonel: (takes out a cigar and puts it in his mouth) GENTLEMEN! Let's settle down. We have a customer to deal with. [They walk over to Wesley.] Wesley: Are you the B-Team? Colonel: (with dramatic flare) The one and only. What do you need? Wesley: I've got to correct the past..... Face: Whoa. Hold on. A temporal distortion repair is going to cost you big. T here can't just build you one you know. Mr. T: I CAN BUILD ANYTHING FOOL! SHUT UP! DID YOU WATCH THE ORIGINAL EPISODES! Face: (rolls his eyes sarcastically) Oh, I forgot... Colonel: (holds up his hand) Face is right. This is going to cost you. It will take a whole lot of draino bombs to pull this off..... Wesley: (very confused) Draino bombs? Face: Yes. It's real pathetic isn't it? Colonel: Murdoch? Did you get those empty 2-liter bottles? Murdoch: Empty? Mr. T: YOU FOOL! YOU BETTER START DRINKING NOW! [Mr. T begins to chase Murdoch around the car.] Wesley: (looks at the Colonel skeptically) Colonel: (shrugs) Kids. Face: (sits and buries his face in his hands) This is SO embarrassing. [New Scene: In Soong's lab. Soong and Karahan are attempting to fix Data. Data has a cable running to his head from the console.] Soong: (tapping the console) This ought to be it. Now we just wait for the download to finish. Karahan: (noticing the time) Doctor. Don't you have a class now. Soong: (noticing the time) GREAT SCOTT!! [Soong runs for the door, but struggle as he may, he can't get it open.] Soong: (panicking) GREAT SCOTT! My students must have locked me in my lab again to keep me from getting to class on time. (gets an idea) I'll use the window! Karahan: (alarmed) But sir. It's a two story drop...... Soong: Banzai! [Soong hurls himself out the window and there is a brief period of silence followed by a thud. Karahan rushes to the window and looks out.] Karahan: Doctor Soong? Soong's Voice: I'm alright Karahan. My new inflatable raft shoes worked and broke my fall! I've got to run. Be nice to Data when he wakes...... [Karahan smiles and waves. A pale hand comes down on her shoulder and she jumps in fright. She turns and sees Data.] Data: Speech. My. Un. Need....... Karahan: (taking Data back to the table) Dr. Soong said you're speech circuits might need time to calibrate. Let me disconnect this cable. Data: (stutters) Kkkkarahan? Karahan: (suspiciously) How do you know my name? Data: (pauses and cocks his head while he makes and internal adjustment then speaks) Dr. Soong incorporated the memories of many people into my circuits when I was (corrects himself) or will be constructed. Karahan: (blushes) Oh. For a second I thought we had accidently downloaded the wrong data into your memory. Dr. Soong has store my memories here too. (taps the console) Data: (points at the console) Is that Dr. Soong's memory storage capacitor? Karahan: Yes. He accidently wiped your memory with it. Fortunately it was all saved and we just had to download it back into your head. Data: (cocks his head) I believe then, that I possess the data from your memories that have been stored in that console. (Data blinks) Karahan: (surprised) You blinked! Data: Of course. Dr. Soong programmed, I mean will program me to mimic human behavior as closely as possible. Karahan: (starts inspecting Data carefully) You mean you have sweat pores and hair follicles? Data: (matter a factly and confused with Karahan's interest in him) Yes. [Karahan starts to play with Data's hair.] Karahan: (intrigued) You know, I always figured Doc would build an android, but you are so human! I guess we're always working on how to build the brain. You don't think about things like hair and toenails until your putting on the finishing touches. They're almost unnecessary. Data: That is an interesting viewpoint considering, I have spent my whole life attempting to become more human. Yet you seem to think I AM human. Karahan: (steps back and shrugs) Well, why don't YOU think you're human. Data: (cocks his head) I do not feel emotion...... Karahan: (cutting him off) I KNEW IT! Oh, I had told Doc that he could never build a machine with emotion! (gestures at Data) I had just assumed I was wrong when I saw you but.... Data: My brother Lore, constructed before me did possess emotion. The effects where detrimental so Doctor Soong inhibited emotion in me. Karahan: (disappointed) Oh shucks. I thought I had bested him finally. (pauses) I guess you got the short end of the deal. I'd like to meet Lore if he has emotion. Data: It appears I did but I don't think that you would like to meet Lore. Karahan: (bounces a little) Well maybe I'll help build him. Did you ever think of that? Data: (Data is silent. He pauses then looks around and becomes puzzled) Where is Wesley? Karahan: Oh, the little twerp? He said he had to go fix something or other that he had broken. Data: (standing up) We should find him. (thinks) You should stay here. Karahan: (protesting) No way! Hey, what are you guys doing here from the future anyway. Data: I don't know. But you should stay here. I can not allow any more distortions in the space time continuum to occur. Karahan: (giving in too easy) Oh all right. Data: Tell Dr. Soong that I'll be back shortly. [New Scene: On grounds at the Academy. Wesley is talking to the B-Team. Murdoch is chugging soda out of a two liter bottle.] Colonel: (to Wesley) Let me get this straight. We need to get this guy and this doll together or you cease to exist? Wesley: Well.... (nods) yes. Face: This guy sounds like a real geek. How are we going to get them near each other? Wesley: Well, I forgot to mention that she has a crush on me... [Everyone is shocked.] Mr. T: I PITY THE FOOL THAT GOT HIS MOTHER INFATUATED WITH HIM. [Data arrives.] Data: Wesley! Wesley: Data! Data: Wesley! Wesley: Data! Data: Wesley! Wesley: Data! Data: Wesley! Wesley: Data! Data: CUT THAT OUT!!! Wesley: That was quick. (gestures to the B-Team) Meet the B-Team. They're going to help us get this straightened out. Data: (aside to Wesley) You sure this is a good idea? Wesley: Trust me Data! They're cool. [Murdoch finishes a bottle and lets out a big belch.] Murdoch: (giving the bottle to T) That's number ten. Mr T: KEEP DRINKING FOOL! YOU AREN'T DONE YET! Data: (raising an eyebrow) What are the bottles for. Colonel: The answer to all your problems. Wesley: Draino bombs. Face: (sarcastically) Kind of pathetic, ain't it? [Data catches something out of his eye and turns. Someone shouts as Data steps into the street and pulls a woman out from in front of a truck quicker than any human could have reacted. He looks and sees he is holding Karahan.] Data: Karahan?!? Karahan: (looking up at Data out of breath) Woah! I guess I owe you one! Data: (turns and walks away with a blank expression) Karahan: Data? [Wesley walks up behind Data.] Wesley: What's wrong man. You just saved a babe's life and she's like in debt to you forever. Data: (solemnly) I appears that we have both jeopardized our past and very existence. Wesley: (puzzled) What do you mean? Data: Karahan was suppose to have died. After her death, Dr. Soong needed to find a new assistant. He met my mother then. She contributed a great deal to my design. I might have just prevented myself from ever being build. [Q appears out of no where.] Q: Oh what a tangled web we weave...... Wesley: (infuriated) Q this isn't funny more! I want to go home! Q: (mocking) Want to go home to mommy Wesley! Oh boo hoo! (shrugs) You will just have to work out the messes you two have made. Wesley: No problem. My mother and Captain Picard will be bosom buddies in no time. Data: It appears that my problem is more complicated (turns to look at Karahan). She should not be alive. Q: Killing her would be messy Data, but it's the only way. It's her or you. Wesley: (disgusted) Q! (to Data) You wouldn't! Data: (pauses) We might have to. Q: (pleased with himself) Oh my! The plot thickens! TO BE CONTINUED NEXT WEEK: "Jigsaw Puzzle"