SSSS TTTTTTT AAAA RRRRR TTTTTTT RRRRR EEEEEE K KK S T A A R R T R R E K KK SSSS T AAAAA RRRRRR T RRRRRR EEEE KKKK S T A A R R T R R E K K SSSS T A A R R T R R EEEEEE K K THE N N EEEEE W W CCC OOO L L EEEEE GGGG EEEEE N N N E W W C C O O L L E G G E N N N EEE W W W C O O L L EE G EEE N N N E W W W C C O O L L E G GGG E N N EEEEE W WW CCCC OOOO LLLLL LLLLL EEEEE GGGG EEEEE GGGG EEEEE N N EEEEE RRRR AAAA TTTTTTT IIIII OOOO N N G G E N N N E R R A A T I O O N N N G EEE N N N EEE RRRRR AAAAA T I O O N N N G GGG E N N N E R R A A T I O O N N N GGGG EEEEE N N EEEEE R R A A T IIIII OOOO N N STARTREK: THE NEW COLLEGE GENERATION SEASON 3 EPISODE 8: Jigsaw Puzzle, The Final Piece (2/2) Written by Spaceman Spiff With Creative Credit to Da Teach ============================================================== Credits Lt Commander Data.......................SPiff Wesley Crusher.....................Timmy Dude Q...............................Aldo Bachetta The Colonel (The B-Team)........Jeff V. Parks Mr T (The B-Team)..................Evan Light Murdoch (The B-Team).............Chris Newman Face (The B-Team)..................Ben Hermes Young Picard..........................Jeffery Young Beverly..........................Anita! Biff...........................Allison Linney Dr. Soong...............................Tamir Commander Riker.......................Peeeter Counselor Troi................Heather Higgins Lt Worf.................................ROCK! Captain Jean Luc Picard...............Jeffery Lt Harris......................The Harrisman! Guinan.........................Andrea Rowland ============================================================== [New Scene: Close up on Data's face with a look contemplation. A look of a man who is considering murder. Zoom out to show Wesley looking at him very concerned as Data looks at Karahan. Q stands there playing the fool.] Q: (jesting) Too be or not to be! That is the question....... Karahan: (approaching Data, oblivious to the delima) Data? What is wrong? Data: (twiches a little) Wesley: (desperate) Snap out of it Data! There's another way out of it! [The tension is interupted by a shout from the B-Team] Face: Look! That's him! [Picard walks through in the background. Wesley turns. Data snaps out of it and turns to see Picard.] Colonel: Let's move out men! [Data and Wesley turn to go with the B-Team. Karahan starts to follow but Data stops her.] Data: You CANNOT come. Karahan: (whining) But why? Q: (laughs and disappears in a flash) [Karahan turns and see Q's exit] Data: I shouldn't be here. YOU shouldn't be here. I cannot explain but you have to trust me. Karahan: Dagnammit! I just want to help. Data: The danger involved it too great. Karahan: I think you're over-exagerating. Data: I am not. Go back to the lab. Karahan: If I didn't know better I'd say your being over protective of me. Data: I am not being "over-protective." Karahan: (explodes in a tantrum) I'm not going to be left out of this just because I'm a woman! You saved my life. Now cut the bull and let me help you! [Data non-chalantly picks up Karahan, slings her over his sholder and carries her off.] Karahan: (protesting loudly) Put me down you walking scrap heap! [Data takes heer off in the direction of Soong's lab.] [Theme Music and Credits Roll] [New Scene: On grounds at the academy. Picard is rushing somewhere. Wesley runs up beside him.] Wesley: (trying to get Picard's attention) Picard! Picard: (turns and sees Wesley, he cowards) Don't hit me. Please. Wesley: (give Picard the you're pathetic look) I'm not going to hit you, really. Picard: (relieved) Good. I really don't like violence. Wesley: (under his breath) No kidding! (to Picard) Hey! You know Beverly, Beverly Crusher. Picard: (gains interest) Yeah. Why? Wesley: She has the hots for you man. Picard: (doubting) Me? Surely...... Wesley: No really man. She does. And she wants to meet you in the arcade today. Picard: (skeptical) Well, I guess it won't hurt. Wesley: Great! At 1300 then. Picard: (trying to be cool, but failing) Cool deal dude. Wesley: Whatever. [Biff appears and spies Picard.] Picard: (seeing Biff) Oh no! I've got to go..... Biff: (grabs Picard by the scruff of the neck with one hand and Wesley's arm with the other) Well, what do we hve here? Two geeks in a pod? (he laughs at his own joke.) Picard: (laughs nervously) Look Biff, I'll give you a warning, but..... Biff: (laughs) But what? Wesley: (mouths to Picard silently) H I T H I M N O W. Picard: (to Biff) I'll give you a warning shot. (Picard winds up) Wesley: (interupting) No you geek, like this.... (he winds up, but Biff quickly thows him to the ground, leaning forward into Picard's swing.) [Picard connects and throws Biff for a loop.] Picard: (shocked and please) WOW! Hitting people is fun! [Biff starts to get up and Picard hits him again, knocking him out.] Wesley: (shocked) Well, I've got to get going. Picard: (hits Biff again) Yeah. See you at 1300. (to Biff) Now that I know this is fun, I can take YOUR lunch money you bastard! (Picard hits him again) [Wesley runs off.] [New Scene: Soong's Lab. Data enters, pulling Karahan. He has one hand over her mouth to quiet her. He sits her on a work bench.] Data: I can ignore the pain receptors in my hand, so biting it will not cause me to release my grip. [Karahan stills.] Data: That is better. (he takes his hand off her mouth) Karahan: (yells) You didn't have to do that! Data: (a bit taken a back) Yelling is not necessary. I can hear your voice at normal volume above the ambient background. Karahan: Jeeze! Some improvement over a normal human you are! Soong should have wasted his time on something else! [Data picks up a laser drill off the work bench he turns it over in his hand as if he is considering it. He looks at Karahan.] Karahan: (settling down) What's up with you? I have to believe your from the future because there is just nothing like you now. And you have ALL my memories in your head and then you save my life. I mean you weren't even supose to be there..... (trails off) [Data stops playing with the drill.] Data: (confused) But you were following me, you had to know I would be there. Karahan: (a light bulb coming on in her head) No! I was delivering an urgent message to Doc. I would have go that way regaurdless. But YOU were there. [Data picks up the drill and puts a hole in the work bench effortlessly.] Karahan: (realizing her predicament) This is wierd..... I should be.... Data: (finishes her sentance) Dead? Karahan: (not knowing what to do) This is way too heavy! (pause) Data you changed the future. And REALLY saved my life. Data: I may have given up my life at the same time. (turns off the laser drill and turns it over in his hands again) Karahan: (thinks and shakes her head) I can't let you do that. You're one of a kind.... or two of a kind atleast. I'm just one cyberelectric engineer. The world could get along fine without me, but you....... Data: It is true. In the future, the existance of humanity may be jeopardized by my absence. Karahan: (goes to the window and opens it) I can't allow that. The zeroth law applies to humans too. (she sits on the edge of the window sill) Data: Wait! What is the zeroeth law? Karahan: (perched precariously) When Doc began his research into building an android, he was inspired by the work of a 20th century writer named Assimov.... Data: (realizing) The laws of robotics! Karahan: (staring out the window into the abyss) Yes. They are ingrained in you. The first law, you may harm no human. The second law, you must protect the life of a human unless it conflicts with the first law. The third law, you must protect yourself, unless it conflicts with the first or third law. And the zeroeth law, taking precedence over all others.... Data: (completing the thought) I may not allow humanity as a whole to be harmed under any circumstances. I never realized I had that in me until now. Karahan: It was probably never an issue. But in the park, you froze because the laws you are conscience of were in direct conflict with the zeroeth one. (she inches forward) Data: Wait! But the zeroeth law is not meant to nessecarilly override the other three. Soong: (in the door behind Data) That's right Data. It is your CHOICE what to do. Karahan: I'll make this easy for you. Data: You have a choice too. Karahan: I'm not important enough to risk humanity. Data: I won't let you. (Data grabs Karahan's hand) I don't believe in the no win senario. [Karahan turns and looks in Data's eyes. Dr. Soong steps forward.] Soong: (pats Data on the back) You are all that I ever hoped for Data. [Karahan gets out of the window and embraces Data. Data isn't sure what to do, but he returns the embrace. After a while she releases Data. Data remembers something and fishes in his pocket.] Data: (giving Soogn a piec of paper) You, from the future, gave this too me once and told me to give it to YOU. I didn't understand until now.... Soogn: (becomes very upset) NO!! Don't give that to me! We can't interfere with the future any more! (Soong takes the paper and rips it up) Data: (shrugs) Don't have a cow man. (realizes the time elapsed) I have to go. Wesley in undoubtedly in trouble by now. Karahan: (grabs Data) Maybe you can take me back to the future with you..... I don't belong here any more. Data: I don't think Q would agree to that. (Data notices Karahan is a bit hurt and looks in her eyes) We'll work something out. [Data turns and leaves.] [New Scene: Outside the arcade. The B-Team prepares to move. Data arrives late.] Wesley: (slightly worried) Where is Karahan?!? Data: I told her not to come. Wesley: (breaths a sigh of relief) I thought you might have..... Data: (interupts Wesley) Wesley you know that we must correct history. Wesley: Don't talk like that! You aren't even capable of it. (a bit unsure) Are you? Data: If the existance of man as a whole is threatened I am capable of anything. It is the zeroeth law. And I am afraid that my roll in the defeat of the Borg attack on earth has made my existance in the future too important to the survival of humanity. Colonel: (interupting) You two stay back and let the pros do all the work. (to the team) Move out! [The B-Team rushes the arcade and swiftly places their draino bombs.] Data: I fail to see the logic in this. Wesley: It's like good poetry Data, if you don't understand it, it's good. These guys are so good that NO ONE understands them. [The Team swiftly returns one by one.] Face: (concerned) I didn't hear anything. Did you Colonel. Colonel: (pulls out his binoculars and checks out the arcade) That's disturbing. [Two minutes pass..... five minutes pass...] Murdoch: (breaking the silence) T, did you put the right amount of water in them? T: (stands and towers threateningly over Murdoch) YOU DIDN'T TELL ME ABOUT NO WATER YOU SKINY FOOL!! Face: (smacks himself in the forehead) Their duds! Colonel: (pulling out a cigar) No problem, we'll just reset them. We still got draino right? Murdoch: (smacks himself) Damn! I knew I forgot something else! T: YOU FOOL! I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU HATE LIFE. YOU BETTER RUN! [Murdoch runs for it and T chases him. Colonel hangs his head in shame. Face shakes his head.] Face: (lamenting) This is SO embarrassing. [Data and Wesley have observed all this and are rather dissapointed.] Data: (to Wesley) I think we should maybe do this ourselves. Wesley: (nods) Agreed. [They start for the arcade entrance. Young Beverly appears.] Beverly: (batting her eyelashes at Wesley) Hi handsome. Wesley: (a bit flustered) Hi. Ummm...... Beverly right? Beverly: (a bit supicious, teases Wesley) I didn't tell you my name. (coos and gets closer) But I like how you say mine...... Wesley: (hot around the collar, squeeks) Wesley. Data: Ms. Crusher (Beverly ignores him as she stares at Wesley seductively) we have a friend we would like you to meet.... [Biff exits the arcade with his cronies and sees Data and Wesley. He quickly recognizes them.] Biff: (pointing at Data) Hey pale face! Data: (without turning and seeing Biff he knows there's trouble with a capital T that rhymes with B that stands for BIFF.) Oh SHIT! [Data turns and Wesley pushes Beverly away as Biff and his two friends step forward in Data's face.] Biff: (meanacingly) So you thought you could make a fool out of me? Data: I believe that YOU did all the work for me on that one Biff. [One of Biff's cohorts laughs. Biff looks at him meancingly and he wimpers. Biff turns back to Data. He spies Beverly.] Biff: (admiring Bev) She's nice. I think I'll take her as compensation. (he nods to one of his cohorts.) [One of the Biff squad steps forward to restrain Beverly as she cowars back against the wall.] Wesley: (angry) Take your hands off her you creep! Biff: (laughs evily) [Data takes the first shot at Biff, hitting him in the stomache and knocking him ten feet back.] Wesley: DATA! Data: (shrugs) It WAS for the good of humanity. [Biff's friends attack. Welsey pulls the guy off Beverly and cold cocks him.] Beverly: (overjoyed with Wesley) MY HERO! [Beverly grabs the surprised Wesley and passionately kisses him. Wesley reacts with surprise and disgust as he pushes her away. There's a long silence. Data deals with thug number two in the background.] Beverly: That was wierd like..... Wesley: (finshing her line) .....kissing your brother? Beverly: (disgusted) NO! Like kissing that pip-squeek Picard! Wesley: (shocked) You know Picard! Beverly: (really disguested) Know him? I dated him! I have no idea what I saw in him! .... or you. Wesley: (in that Quantum Leap way) Oh boy. [Q's laughing can be heard in the background.] Data: (to Wesley) Let's get out of here. Wesley: (looks at Beverly like she's not worth his trouble) I'm behind you. [They turn and go. Biff groans and slowly gets up.] Beverly: (flashes a smile at Biff) So Biff? What are you doing on Friday night? [Biff ignores Beverly as he drags his minions to their feet and storms off after Data and Wesley. He looks REALLY PISSED.] [New Scene: Soong's lab. Soong and Karahan are busy at the console. Data and Wesley enter and shut the door behind them.] Data: (to Wesley) So there was never a problem with you? Wesley: Correct. But that still leaves your problem. (he looks at Karahan) Karahan: (looks up with concern) Data: (looks at her and back and Wesley) I don't know what we're going to do. [Suddenly the door flies open. Biff stands there REALLY PISSED.] Biff: (points at Data) I want you pale skin! Soong: (hurridly) Hey now! No fighting in the lab! (steps in Biff's way) Biff: (pushing Soong aside) Out of my way old man. Data: (definantly) I will not fight you Biff. It serves no purpose. (Data turns his back on Biff to ignore him.) Biff: Fine by me. I just want pay backs. [Biff picks up a stool by the work bench and swings it at Data's turned back. Karahan sees it coming.] Karahan: (screaming) DATA! [Karahan pushes Data down and Biff swings true, hitting Karahan right between the eyes with the stool. Slow motion. Karahan falls to the floor with a thud, unmoving. Data swiftly recovers and looks at Karahan.] [Zoom in. A thin ribbon of blood trickls down Karahan's face as she stares blankly and lifelessly forward.] [Zoom out. Biff stands back in shock. Data twiches slightly then moves quickly. He grabs the work bench. Wesley yells.] Wesley: (desperate) DATA! NO! [Effortlessly, Data lifts the the heavy work bench and takes a full swing at Biff with it. Biff is stunned into inaction. Soong looks on in shock, his back to the wall.] Data: (angry) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! [In mid swing, there is a blinding flash of light and Welsey and Data are standing with Q in the blinding white light again. Data follows though with his swing and knocks Q on his ass. He would have easilly literally squashed Biff into a bloddy pulp with the swing. Q stands back up and brushes himself off.] Q: (exasperated) Well! You could have stopped Data! I mean that was just uncalled for; hitting me like that. Data: (in shock at what he has done, drops the bench) I needed to hit something. Wesley: (concerned) Data are you alright? Data: (puzzled) I don't know...... Q: (recovered from the hit) Well, that's a refreshing change. If you want to be HUMAN you should have a temper. (Data begins to speak and Q silences him) Remember Data. (with a flash, a lock of Karahan's hair appears. Q gives it to Data) Remember..... [Another flash and Data and Wesley are back on the bridge.] [The bridge of the Enterprise. Picard in Command. Riker to his right. Troi to his left. Data at ops. Wesley at Nav. Worf at Tactical.] Worf: (suddenly alarmed) Sir! There is a disturbance in front of us! Data: (dissoriented, pauses and checks his display) Romulan warbird decloaking. Riker: Rrrrrrrrrrrrred Alert! Picard: PUNCH BUGGY! (reaches over and slugs Riker in the arm) Riker: CUT THAT OUT!!!! Wesley: All stop. [The warbird shimmers into view on the screen. As Riker slaps the Captain.] Picard: Open fire mister Worf! Blow them back across the Netral Zone! Worf: (grins ear to ear) With pleasure sir! [Data and Wesley exchange shocked glances as Worf fires the weapons and the Romulan ship explodes.] Worf: (to Picard) Sir. Did I ever tell you that you are the coolest Captain in Starfleet? Picard: (grins ear to ear and looks at Riker and Troi who are also smileing gleefully) Yes you have mister Worf. (to Wesley) Put us back on course Ensign. Wesley: (shocked) Aye sir. Picard: Warp 9.5! Engage! Wesley: But sir, starfleet has set a speed limit at warp 5 execpt in emergencies. Riker: (Clears his thoat) Picard: (confused) So? Data: (looks at Wesley and assures him) He IS the coolest captain in starfleet. [Wesley shrugs and carrys out his orders.] [Exterior shot of the Enterprise going to warp.] [New Scene: Later in Ten Forward. Riker, Troi and Harris are sharing a table. Riker and Harris appear to be having fun swapping stories, mainly about Troi, but Troi looks slightly annoyed. She spies Data alone at a table by the window and excuses herself. Riker and Harris don't even notice her leave. Troi approaches Data.] Troi: (quietly) Data? Is something wrong? Data: (looks at the conselor. He has been turning the lock of hair from Q over in his hands. He puts it in his pocket.) Hello Counselor. Arent' you enjoying your reunion with Lt. Harris? Troi: (rolls her eyes as she takes a seat) Reunions aren't all their cracked up to be Data. [Guinan appears and stands near the table.] Guinan: Oh, I don't know counselor. I think reunions can mean a great deal to us. (she looks at Data) And there are reunions that we should look forward to also. Troi: (sighs heavily) Well, this one sucks. I think I need a chocolate sundae. Guinan: (smiles) I think I'll share one with you. (to Data) Do you want anything Data? Data: I am not hungry, thank you. Troi: (in shock) Not hungry? Data. What happened to (mimics Data) "I do not require sustinance." Data: (cocks his head puzzled with himself) I am... (raises and eyebrow) not hungry. [Guinan and Troi exchange surprised glances.] [New Scene: Data's quarters. Data is finishes up some work at his desk and remembers the lock of hair in his pocket. He removes it and looks at it thoughtfully. He reaches under his desk and pulls out the box that Soong had given him at their last meeting. Data opens the box and becomes confused. The hand isn't there. Instead, there is a piece of paper that has been torn up multiple times and taped back together sloppily. Data is intigued. He takes the paper out of the box and unfolds it. It reads: "The future is now. She is your's to create." Data puzzles over it for awhile then places it back in the box with the lock of hair. He closes the box and replaces it under his desk. He rises, goes to the door to exit.] Data: Computer. Lights off [The lights go off and the door shuts behind Data. "Dining on ashes" (from ST:TUC) plays in the background] [Switch to an exterior shot of the Enterprise cruising at warp. The music fades out with the scene.] [Theme music and credits roll.]