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SPiff's Pack Rat's Paradise

An Explaination

As an undergraduate at the University of Virginia the alias I used on the net and newsgroups was Spaceman SPiff (with both a capital "S" and "P"). This pile of junk was started there, hence the title "SPiff's Pack Rat Paradise."

The Junk

People are always after me to clean up my work space, my room, etc. but all I can ever manage is to get things into organized "piles." Here's a bunch of stuff that I've collected over my years on the 'net' that I don't have the heart to throw into the trash. Enjoy rumaging... and take what ever you want, just leave any credit to authors and what not in place. If you're curious as to where I found a certain item, contact me and I'll try to jog my memory.

Star Trek Junk

I'm a true blue trekIE (not trekER). Here are a few laughs at the expense of my favorite show:

The Internet Home Page of Star Trek: The New College Generation

This is my own work of Star Trek fan fiction.

Assorted cool quotations

Sometimes I can't resist a good quote.

Other Cool Stuff that will brighten your day!

Last but not least!

I dabble in the written word from time to time and here are some of my creations:

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