Nassau Station
Nassau Station Robotic Telescope
Image Gallery
This page is devoted to images of interest that have been taken with the CWRU Nassau Station Robotic Telescope direct imaging camera. The collection here should grow steadily as we continue to work to bring the telescope fully online.
Click on a thumbnail to get the full sized picture.
Description | Image |
March 30, 1999& May 3, 1999& July 25, 1999 Two V filter images and one color composite of the planet Mars. In the V images, the bright south polar region and hints of darker regions are visible. In the May 3rd image Mars appears bigger because at that time it was closer to Earth. Note the slight change in the phase of Mars between the images. The color of the composite pretty close to the color one sees through the telescope. | 

 | April 15, 1999 A 60 second exposure of planetary nebula NGC 3242. The asymmetry in this nebula is quite apparent, especially in the false color image, which brings out for of the fainter features. Thanks to Brad Hamlin of Albuquerque, NM for submitting a proposal for this object. | 
 | April 15, 1999 A 300 second exposure of the irregular galaxy M82. The false color image is meant to bring out the fainter features. | 
 | May 3, 1999 A 300 second exposure of globular cluster M5. |  |
©1999 CWRU Astronomy Dept. comments Last modified July 25, 1999 Case Western Reserve University