Nassau Station
Nassau Station Robotic Telescope
Image Gallery
This page is devoted to images of interest that have been taken with the CWRU Nassau Station Robotic Telescope direct imaging camera. The collection here should grow steadily as we continue to work to bring the telescope fully online.
- A preview of what we hope to do with the NSRT spectrograph
- Examples of lightcurves of variable stars, color-magnitude diagrams, and composite color photography done with the NSRT by the Fall 2001 ASTR 306 class
Select one of the galleries to view.
Gallery | Images |
Gallery 1 | - First Light
- h Persei
- Central Orion Nebula (M42)
- Orion Nebula (M42) Mosaic
|  | Gallery 2 | - Hubble's Variable Nebula (NGC 2261)
- The Eskimo Nebula (NGC 2392)
- Cluster M3
- Galaxy M81
|  | Gallery 3 | - Mars
- Planetary Nebula NGC 3242
- Galaxy M82
- Cluster M5
|  | Gallery 4 | - The Ring Nebula (M57)
- Cluster M5
- Cluster M10
|  | Gallery 5 | - Cat's Eye Nebula
- Globular Cluster M15
- Saturn Nebula (NGC 7009)
- Uranus
|  | Gallery 6 | - Planet Jupiter
- Planet Saturn
- Double Stars Alpha Her and 49 Cyg
- Cluster M13 Mosaic
|  | Gallery 7 | - Open Galactic Cluster NGC 7790
- Hickson Compact Galaxy Group 96
- Galaxies NGC 100 and NGC 63
- Planet Neptune
|  | Gallery 8 | - Spiral Galaxy M77
- Stephan's Quintet (HCG 92)
- Crab Nebula (M1)
- Little Dumbell Nebula (M76)
|  | Gallery 9 | - Planetary Nebula NGC 7139
- Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy M32
- Supernova 1999el in NGC 6951
- The Blinking Planetary Nebula (NGC 6826)
|  | Gallery 10 | - Spiral Galaxy NGC 7678
- Star HD 209458
- The Planet Pluto
- The Sombrero Galaxy (M104)
|  | Gallery 11 | - Face-On Sprial Galaxy M101
- The Whilrpool Galaxy (M51)
- Open Star Cluster M24 (color)
- Supernova 2000cn in galaxy UGC 10064
|  | Gallery 12 | - Pluto animation
- Face-on spiral galaxy NGC 5905
- Comet Linear (1999/S4)
- Asteroid Corbin
|  | Gallery 13 | - The Box Nebula (color)
- Spiral Galaxy NGC 5985
- Spiral Galaxy NGC 6643
- The Eagle Nebula
|  | Gallery 14 | - Planetary Nebula NGC 7027 (color)
- The Blue Snowball Planetary Nebula (NGC 7662) (color)
- Planetary Nebula IC 289
- The Horsehead Nebula
|  | Gallery 15 | - Planetary Nebula NGC 2202
- Planetary Nebula NGC 2371
- Sprial Galaxy NGC 1160
- Planetary Nebula NGC 2440
|  | Gallery 16 | - Spiral Galaxy M96
- Owl Nebula (Planetary)
- Galaxy Cluster Arp 321
- Globular Cluster M3
|  | Gallery 17 | - The Dumbbell Nebula M27
- Planetary Nebula NGC 7139
- Sprial Galaxy NGC 6946
- Planetary Nebula NGC 1501
|  | Gallery 18 | - Planetary Nebula NGC 40
- Asteroid Ralpharvey
- The Eskimo Nebula
- Edge-on Galaxy M82 (color)
|  | Gallery 19 | - The Great Orion Nebula
- Minor Planet McCoy
- Trans-Neptunian Minor Planet Chiron
|  |
©2002 CWRU Astronomy Dept. comments Last modified July 2, 2002 Case Western Reserve University