Nassau Station
Nassau Station Robotic Telescope
Image Gallery
This page is devoted to images of interest that have been taken with the CWRU Nassau Station Robotic Telescope direct imaging camera. The collection here should grow steadily as we continue to work to bring the telescope fully online.
Click on a thumbnail to get the full sized picture.
Description | Image |
September 11, 1999 A five minute no filter exposure of the face on spiral galaxy M77. |  | October 8, 1999 A mosaic of ten minute no filter exposures of Stephan's Quintet (HCG 92). This image was taken and composed by Mark Hartmann, David Haneke, and Rebecca Stanek as part of an ASTR306 project. |  | October 11, 1999 A mosaic of 300 second no filter images of the Crab Nebula (M1) |  | October 11, 1999 An enhanced color composite of the Little Dumbell Nebula (M76). Note its similar appearance to the Ring Nebula (M57) in gallery 4. Both nebula are planetary nebula. |  |
©1999 CWRU Astronomy Dept. comments Last modified October 13,1999 Case Western Reserve University